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Toothy the Beaver is a major hero in Happy Tree Friends. He is also one of the playable characters in the False Alarm video game and Deadeye Derby. He was voiced by Warren Graff, who also voiced Handy.


Tooth is a purple beaver with a big heart named for his large, gapped buckteeth. Toothy is one of the four "original" Tree Friends and is most often played as the everyman. The creators of the show feel he doesn't have enough of a personality, and plan to bring him out of his shell in later episodes. His human counterpart depicted him as a Caucasian boy with purple hair, peach-colored skin, and purple eyes, and is primarily dressed in purple hoodie, dark purple short pants, purple sneakers, and purple short socks. In contrast to his beaver counterpart, his human counterpart lack of buckteeth.


He is generally a very friendly character who likes to play around now and then, particularly with the younger characters. He admires Splendid the Flying Squirrel, possibly because the latter saved Toothy in the episode Better Off Bread, and even dresses up as him for Halloween. He is good friends with Cuddles. He is also shown to be good friends with Giggles the Chipmunk, Sniffles the Anteater, Lumpy the Moose, Handy the Beaver, Nutty the Squirrel, Russell the Sea Otter, Flaky the Porcupine, and Petunia the Skunk.

It seems in some episodes that Toothy loves to sing, and others think he's a good singer. This can be seen in Class Act, Deck the Halls, and We Wish You. Toothy has also cried many times, such as Eye Candy, Class Act, Take a Hike, Snow Place to Go, Blast from the Past, Brake the Cycle and An Inconvenient Tooth.

Unlike most of the other characters whose personality defines how they might act in a given situation, Toothy's personality varies a lot. He is impulsive - mostly acting before he thinks (e.g. running away and throwing a lit candle behind him in Class Act). He is generally not considered addle-brained, even though there have been instances where he has acted rather oddly in certain situations (such as misinterpreting some instructions and pouring two barrels full of gun powder into a cannon rather than the necessary two spoonful in Mime to Five). But he is shown to be rather handy, as he knows how to build and put together a bicycle in Brake the Cycle.


  • Unnamed parents


  • Handy
  • Petunia
  • Nutty
  • Splendid
  • Good Flippy
  • Cuddles
  • Cuddles
  • Sniffles
  • Flaky
  • Lumpy
  • Lammy the Sheep
  • Pop and Cub
  • Russell
  • Anastasia Tremaine
  • Hammy the Squirrel
  • Stella the Skunk
  • Verne the Turtle
  • RJ the Raccoon
  • Starfire


  • Evil Flippy
  • Splendont the Flying Squirrel
  • Lifty and Shifty
  • Charm Caster
  • Rojo
  • J.T.
  • Cash Murray
  • Forever Knights
  • Sir Driscoll
  • Sir Enoch
  • Zombozo the Clown
  • Fright Wig
  • Acid Breath
  • Thumb Skull
  • Forever Knights
  • Brad Buttowski
  • Dash Baxter
  • Prince Hans
  • Duke of Weselton
  • LeFou
  • Drizella Tremaine
  • Anastasia Tremaine (formerly)
  • Lady Tremaine
  • Rigby the Raccoon
  • Gladys Sharp
  • Eli Pandarus
  • Dwayne LaFontant
  • Wilfred Tipton
  • Bradley "Brad" Chiles
  • Judy Reeves
  • Bradley "Brad" Uppercrust III
  • Cree Lincoln
  • Francine Smith
  • Lois Griffin
  • Peter Griffin
  • Diane Simmons
  • Dr. Zin
  • Jenny Zin
  • Savannah Shane
  • Myrtle Edmonds
  • Joe Agate
  • Gamma Mumu
  • Blackfire
  • Lila Rossi


  • In Happy Tree Friends x Odd Taxi, Haruhito Yano nicknames him "My neighbor Toothy the Beaver Boy", a direct reference to the Ghibli movie My Neighbor Totoro.