Protagonists Wiki
Saiko Yaotome 3

Saiko Yaotome, known as Saiko Zaizen is a major character of the Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Trilogy: Another Ending. She was the central antagonist of both Brave and Lazer and Para-DX and Poppy, and the supporting protagonist of Genm VS. Lazer.


Saiko's only purpose was to revive her father and take revenge on Doctor Riders. In fact, it becomes clear that she is nothing more than a tool in Kuroto's plan to create the ultimate game. She is eventually able to forgive the Doctor Riders and the others and cooperates to defeat Kuroto Dan.


Saiko is Michihiko Zaizen's daughter, but she has not heard from him since he divorced her mother. Seeing his work as her doctor, Saiko eventually followed in her father's footsteps and enrolled in medical school. Around 2010, her father passed away from gaming disease. That led Saiko to pursue a career in regenerative medicine, and in 2016 she began leading an effort to help victims of gaming disease recover.

Kamen Rider Ex-Aid: Brave & Snipe[]

Due to the fact that the Bugsters retain the memories of their human hosts, Saiko determines that they retain residual genetic material. After considering all possibilities, Saiko and his team come to the conclusion that the only option to restore the people erased by the game disease is to reconstruct human genes from bugsters infected with the virus. Kuroto Dan, who recovered Kamen Rider Chronicle Gashat from Taiga Hanaya, revived his late father, Dan Masamune, and succeeded in having Saiko extract the Bugster Black Parado from his body.

Kamen Rider Ex-Aid: Para-DX with Poppy[]

Saiko asked Tsukuru Koboshi to create Bugvisor G. This new game console served as the platform for Let's Make a Bugster, a game that could theoretically turn Bugsters into humans. When the game machine was completed, Saiko asked Parado and Poppy Pipopapo for their cooperation in the experiment, and personally cooperated with Poppy in a dress-up game. She also secretly kidnaps Parado using the Bugvisor and replaces her with Black Parado. After her numerous costume changes, Saiko captured her in the Bugvisor, tied her up, and revealed her true nature. After Parado rescued Poppy, he questioned Saiko about her intentions and her relationship with her father. She later obtained Another Para-DX and a copy of the genome based on Michihiko Zaizen's data after the Bugster Rider, but her forces were quickly defeated. When Kuroto Dan arrives, he immediately attacks her as his plan does not fit with her goal of creating regenerative medicine from the Bugster virus. Saiko is conflicted with her realization that Bugster also has a human heart, and she is depressed and takes her leave.

Kamen Rider Ex-Aid: Lazer VS Genm[]

After breaking off her relationship with Kuroto Dan, Saiko is approached by one of the zombie gamers created by Dan's new game, Zombie Chronicle. Saiko accepted his own death, but was saved by Kiriya Kujo as Kamen Rider Lazer. Kiriya explained that he knows her story and that she betrayed him, but that she is the only one who can perfect regenerative medicine and bring back the people lost to her game disease. she insisted. Saiko continued to help CR stop Kuroto Dan's game, but was later turned into a zombie by the Bugster virus and began attacking Poppy. Eventually, the Zombie Chronicles came to a halt after Kuroto Dan was defeated by Kiriya, and Saiko and all the others infected by the zombies returned to their original forms.

After her recovery, Saiko retrieved Bugvisor G. By applying the Let's Create a Bugster mechanism, Saiko analyzed and reconstructed Kiriya's human genes, then reset them to their basic state and surgically restored Kiriya's Kujo to human form. The manager is Hiiro Kagami. However, the key element of this operation was, ironically, the ability to reprogram the God Maximum Mighty X Gashat left behind by Kuruto Dan. Saiko predicted that further research into God Maximum Mighty X would greatly change the future of regenerative medicine.

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