Protagonists Wiki
Enbi Yuuki
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Richard Williams is one of the minor characters in the Tekken franchise. He is a member of Irish Republican Army, the deceased father of Nina Williams and Anna Williams, the grandfather of Steve Fox, and a member of the Williams Family.


Richard Williams worked as an assassin for the Irish Republican Army. He retired to marry a British Aikido champion and they lived in the Republic of Ireland, where they had two daughters. Both daughters grew up knowing both their father's assassination techniques and their mother's Aikido. Nina Williams, the eldest daughter, found Richard's aptitude for art and took a liking to him. His second daughter, Anna Williams craved his attention and affection, but had little interest in him as she was reluctant to become an assassin. Richard expected his two daughters to continue in the family business as assassins for hire. He may have been involved in sending Nina away for her experiments to suppress her emotions when she was young. His preference for Nina over Anna began a lifelong rivalry between the two that is still unresolved.

Richard died probably of natural causes around the time of the second King of Iron Fist Tournament in 1996. Both of his daughters called a truce when they visited the grave.

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