Protagonists Wiki

Petunia the Skunk is a major character in Happy Tree Friends. She is a blue female skunk. Her best friend is Giggles. She is also friends with Flaky, Sniffles, Fifi La Fume, Jane Doe, and Flippy.


Petunia is an indigo and navy blue female skunk with a sky-blue arrow marking on her forehead, which is connected to the triangle-shaped marking on the back of her head and sky-blue lines on her long tail. She always wears a pink flower on top of her head and a pine scent car air freshener or deodorizer around her neck. Her human counterpart, however, depicted her as a Caucasian girl with long blue hair tied in a high ponytail and a sky blue arrow streak, and blue eyes. She wears a blue short-sleeved dress, blue long skirt, blue long socks and a bluish-purple shoes. Unlike her skunk counterpart, her human counterpart lacks of buckteeth and Pac Man-like eyes.


For most of the internet series, she and Giggles had almost identical/similar personalities. When the TV series came out, however, the creators gave her obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). More specifically, she is a "neat freak". She takes showers five times a day as is revealed in the "Collect Them All" section, and if things are either dirty or out of their proper place, she starts to hyperventilate (even if it is somewhere other than her house or on herself). She will do anything to clean it up again. In the TV episode Wishy Washy, she got incredibly filthy and was unable to clean herself because her piping system failed because of Lumpy, so she snapped and killed herself with a potato peeler (pistol in the manga and anime adaptation) trying to get clean (in the anime and manga adaptation, the potato peeler was replaced with a pistol). Her OCD is also brought up in the episodes Home Is Where the Hurt Is, Winging It, and Royal Flush. Furthermore, in the arcade game Socks to Be You, she is seen hyperventilating with a paper bag while sorting her socks. Oddly enough, in Take a Hike when she drinks dirty water, her mouth is a mess, but she does not get upset or bother to clean her face (though she was severely dehydrated and delusional at the time).

Petunia, like Giggles, has been used as a damsel in distress on some episodes, such as House Warming, Gems the Breaks, Who's to Flame?, Dunce Upon a Time, and Read Them and Weep. She, like Giggles, is also a Girl Scout, as seen in Read Them and Weep. Whenever Petunia has too much to drink, she'll have to go to the bathroom/restroom really badly, as seen in Happy Trails Pt. 1 and Winging It (in Happy Trails, she actually wets herself just before her death).

Petunia also has been portrayed as ditzy at times. In Who's to Flame?, she leans on a burning stove while talking on the phone, resulting in her tail (ponytail in the anime and manga adaptation) burning. Despite being the owner of the house, Petunia runs around while burning instead of using a bathtub or a sink to put the fire out. In Take a Hike, She drinks a drity water when she could have run back to the lake. (To be fair, she was dehydrated and the lake could've been at a too far distance at that point.) A Hole Lotta Love, She does not pay attention while driving and nearly runs over Mime. In Breaking Wind, she strikes a match in the middle of a gas cloud induced by Splendid.
