Protagonists Wiki

Natalie Certain is the false antagonist turned anti-hero of Pixar's 18th full-legnth animated feature Cars 3.

She is very knowledgeable about racing statistics, and is described as a "super-smarty-pants statistician". She is a maroon-colored Evolv Motors Provoc Quantus 4S, a model based on the Tesla Model S. Her tire markings read "Number Crunchers".

She is voiced by Kerry Washington.


Cars 3[]

Natalie Certain , a statistical analysist who explains that Storm is part of a new generation of race cars who use the latest technology to run faster than the veterans. At the next race, there are six more high-tech cars (Tim Treadless, H.J. Hollis, Ryan "Inside" Laney, Ed Truncan, Aaron Clocker, and Harvey Rodcap) and they race with precision, cutting off Lightning at each turn. Storm wins again, with Lightning finishing third.

Natalie reports that Storm set a new record for the fastest lap in a race. Sterling says that Lightning will race as planned. Natalie says that Storm is the heavy favorite to win and that his probability of winning is 95.2%, while Lightning's is only 1.2%. With no other options.

Throughout the film, she presents the data and records of Jackson Storm, and is impressed to see Cruz Ramirez win the Florida 500.

Cars 3: Driven to Win[]

Natalie is an unlockable playable character in the game Cars 3: Driven to Win. Like most of the playable characters, she is unlocked by completing an uncertain amount of skill checks.



  • Her license plate, "K01-31W" is a reference to her voice actor, Kerry Washington's name and birthday.
    • Natalie's tire markings read "Number Crunchers", a name in line with her abilities in statistics.
    • In Cars on the Road, in the nineth episode "Road Rumblers" there are some cars similar to Certain.

External Links[]
