“ | That M.X.E.S. security program was designed to keep it hidden, but you shut down the security. Now it's free. | „ |
~ Gregory explaining M.X.E.S. |
M.X.E.S., also known as the Entity, is the secondary antagonist of Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach's sequel DLC, Ruin.
It's a sentient security program designed to keep the Mimic hidden in the decrepit Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex. After Cassie acquires the V.A.N.N.I Mask, it consistently stalks and attempts to kill her. M.X.E.S aims to prevent her from disabling the security nodes in the Pizzaplex, hindering the Mimic's escape.
M.X.E.S. is a glitchy, noncorporeal rabbit animatronic with five long fingers. It lacks legs and instead has a levitating, cylindrical "tail". It has no arms, with its shoulders, elbow joints and hands being connected by a white, wire-like string. M.X.E.S is dark blue in color with white circuit-like markings and purple glitches all over its body. Its head is a mixture between humanoid and rabbit-like, with square eye sockets containing circular eyes. Its pupils are squared and black.
Following Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach, M.X.E.S. was designed by an unknown creator, implied to be Gregory and/or Vanessa, to protect Security Nodes planted through the Pizzaplex's A.R. world in order to keep the Mimic hidden in the underground Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Place. M.X.E.S. guards the abandoned Pizzaplex in a digital state, currently only able to be seen and interacted with while viewing the A.R world.
Some time after the Pizzaplex's destruction, Gregory's friend, Cassie, is lured by the Mimic to enter the building's remains while copying Gregory's voice and giving her instruction. She finds and puts on the V.AN.N.I mask, which triggers M.X.E.S. to begin stalking her, constantly getting closer and sending out various Glamrock animatronics to harm her. Fortunately while exploring the catwalks in Monty Golf, "Gregory" installs a signal jammer into Helpi, banishing M.X.E.S from the AR realm for the time being.
M.X.E.S. returns not long after, bypassing Helpi's signal jammer and activating one of its own, as well as an AR inhibitor device that prevents Cassie from wearing her mask. It takes control of a large cupcake machine in the bakery to inconvenience Cassie's progress, forcing her to avoid a reactivated Glamrock Chica. Once Cassie evades Chica and disables the inhibitor, she continues her forward into the Pizzaplex's server room, where M.X.E.S. should not be a threat, according to Helpi. This turns out to be incorrect, when M.X.E.S. appears as a giant version of itself and attempts to call Chica before Cassie escapes. After this encounter, it resumes its pursuit as usual.
At the end of the game, Cassie enters the Pizzaplex and shuts down the M.X.E.S program, forcing it to disappear into a machine and stop its pursuit. Once the real Gregory helps Cassie escape the Mimic, he explains M.X.E.S.'s purpose and tells Cassie that, by disabling the security system, she has unintentionally aided Mimic in its escape. He then proceeds to drop the elevator Cassie is on to prevent Mimic from following her.
- It is commonly theorized that M.X.E.S. was developed utilizing the V.A.N.N.I. network, due to his resemblance to Vanny, the general rabbit theme, his connection to the security nodes (which could have been set up in the AR world) and the likelihood of Gregory and Vanessa's involvement in his creation.
- It has also been suggested by fans that M.X.E.S. might have been made with a repurposed form of Glitchtrap's code, or even some form of RWQFSFASXC's involvement.
- It was originally assumed M.X.E.S. was another one of Glitchtrap's forms by many fans due to their similar design.
- It is unknown what M.X.E.S. stands for.
- In the game's files, a model of a skeletal, humanoid purple rabbit was discovered with animations for actions such as pounding on glass. What its true purpose was is unknown, though it is possibly a beta design of M.X.E.S. The model would later be nicknamed "Ruinborn Afton" by the community, despite M.X.E.S. not being Afton, and become associated with the phrase "I'm Ruinborn Afton, I always come back" as a meme.
- Thanks to its prominent jawline, some fans have nicknamed M.X.E.S "Chadtrap", which is a portmanteau of chad (an internet slang for good-looking men) and the "-trap" suffix common in rabbit animatronics related to William Afton, which it was initially mistaken to be.
- Other name's for M.X.E.S. include Pegtrap (due to his peg shaped body) and Black Rabbit (Due to misinformation about the internal name for M.X.E.S.: not to be confused with the POPGOES character).
- The M.X.E.S seemly shares similar roles with Tangle. As the two were implies to be guardian in Freddy Fazbear's restaurant.
- While, the M.X.E.S is guardian over the Freddy Fazbear's Mega PizzaPlex location. Tangle is the guardian over Freddy Fazbear Pizza Place location, the abandoned bottom place of Freddy Fazbear's Mega PizzaPlex.
- There is a theory that M.X.E.S is actually the Help Wanted 2 protagonist, who is speculated to also be Cassie’s Dad, Jeremy Fitzgerald, the Bonnie Bully, Help Wanted Jeremy, and the victim of the Bite of ‘87, this evidence comes from Help Wanted 2’s hints about the protagonist and the clues given by both Mystic Hippo and Candy Cadet respectively.
External Links[]
- M.X.E.S. on the Villains Wiki
- M.X.E.S. on the Antagonists Wiki
- M.X.E.S. on the Inconsistently Admirable Wiki
- M.X.E.S. on the Villainous Benchmark Wiki