Protagonists Wiki

Luke Skywalker is the main protagonist of the Angry Birds Star Wars original trilogy. He is the brother of Princess Leia Organa, and his mother is Padme Amidala. He is the owner of R2-D2 and C-3PO, who he buys off of the Jawas.


His story is the same as the original Luke Skywalker. Except that he and Leia never got separated and when he got his lightsaber, he burned Obi-Wan's house by accident, he never got kissed by Leia, he killed Jabba The Hutt on Tatooine but the thing is his father and Darth Sidious still offered him to join The Dark Side and was furious during his fight with Jabba The Hutt and his fight on the second Death Star.


In the game, He will be given a lightsaber and when the player taps the screen, Luke AKA Red will swipe his lightsaber around his front in an arc way, destroying/damaging the nearby objects around him.

If the player beats the last level of Path of the Jedi, then Luke will receive an upgrade. This time, he receives a green lightsaber, which is much stronger than his previous blue lightsaber, along with a new black outfit. This upgrade is also usable in all of the levels of the game and not removable.

Notably, all of the characters can also activate their ability 'after they' land on a surface, though this only lasts for a short period of time. This is very useful if the player wants to dive deep into a structure to cause more damage, or perhaps go a bit further to reach a farther target.
