Lollipop La Bella (born as Louis “Lorelabell” Remy La Bella; born on 2003-2005 [age: 13-15]) most notably known as Lollipop or Lolli for short is one of the main two titular protagonists (alongside Collie Collieson) in the upcoming show Lolli & Collie (made by Mr. Magistral Malik and Firey the Wolf) in which the show takes place in the same universe around the events between Magistralverse, Absoluteverse, and Time Majesty: Ruffus Adventures series.
Lolipop is a non-binary teenage adolescent who is accompanied by the titular deuteragonist Collie Collieson.
Due to the striking similarities towards Malik Magistral and Lollipop La Bella. They are implied to be heavily based upon the show’s creator except the creator fully insists that Lollipop is simply a character he made that is based upon his interpretation of a fanatics and the fact that Lollipop is non-binary in contrast to the creator who is a male.
Lollipop appears feminine as evident to their eye-lashes and very childish look as they decorates her hair with lollipops. She also has blue and orange match up with her clothes. And although their resemblance could be easily mistaken with Malik Magistral's 8-bit pixel sprite form, the biggest contrast with the two is Lollipop themselves having a white streak through their hair, a giant lollipop, and lighter skin tone than the actual form of Malik Magistral. Speaking of such, she has a skin-tone that makes it ambiguous if she is either black or white. Yet, the creator hasn't confirmed much since.
Despite the name being loosely based upon Anime Loli's. The creator completely confirms that Lollipop as a matter of fact identifies as non-binary. It is unknown why and the creator hasn't yet touched much basis openly with why Lollipop is non-binary.
- They are one of the first few characters made by Mr. Magistral Malik to be canonically gender neutral. Going by They/Them pronouns.
- The creator presents Lollipop as a fanatic over Mr. Magistral Malik in the future. If this is so, then Lolli and Collie will take place within the later on events of Time Majesty: Ruffus Adventures and NONETHELESS.