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“ | For Kung Lao, the Shaolin and Earthrealm! | „ |
~ Liu Kang, before he delivers a killing blow to Shao Kahn. |
“ | Having liberated the Hourglass and become Keeper of Time, my next task was to restart history. Not beholden to past events, I was free to craft a new era. It was with humility and restraint that I approached this blank canvas. After careful preparation, I began work. Painting over the darkness. After eons passed, I sketched out the realms. After eons more, I brushed them in with life. In my new era, all beings will have opportunity to find peace. Whether or not they do, will be their responsibility. For my power only permits me to begin this endeavor. It is the duty of mortals to finish it. | „ |
~ Liu Kang's opening narration for Mortal Kombat 1.noicon |
Lord Liu Kang (Chinese: 劉鋼) is one of the two main protagonists (alongside Raiden) in the Mortal Kombat: Titan Trilogy and the overarching protagonist of the New Era timeline.
He is a Shaolin monk who became champion of the Mortal Kombat tournament. He would later become the new Demi-God protector of Earthrealm, having gained Raiden's deity abilities. He would also become the Keeper of Time due to defeating its previous keeper, Kronika, but worrying that he may be tempted by its power, he chose to left the status, but not before using the Hourglass to create his "New Era" timeline.
He is voiced by Tom Choi in Mortal Kombat 9 and X, who previously voiced the character in MK vs DCU, and Matthew Yang King in Mortal Kombat 11 and Mortal Kombat 1, who also voiced Fujin in MK11 and Kung Lao in MK Legends.
In MK 2011, Kang's appears with a red sash brandishing the Elder Gods' symbol instead of the belt. He has longer hair and a more well-rounded physique than his original counterpart. Kang loses a lot of skin when taking damage due to his lack of armor or layered clothes.
In Mortal Kombat X, Liu Kang has become one of Quan Chi's Revenants and since has become a dark version of himself twisted by the sensibilities of the Netherrealm. While he still possesses the familiar glowing yellow veins and glowing eyes as other characters, he now sports a dark, armored uniform made from steel, leather, and dragon scales. His hair has grown past shoulder length and keeps it tied like a ponytail. While he retains his iconic headband, it has been tattered. As Emperor of the Netherrealm, he dons a full set of spiky armor with the familiar trappings of a denizen of the Netherrealm. In his default "what-if" form, he has aged significantly like most other characters; his hair the same length as it is as a revenant, but now grey from aging. He also wears a red and black vest with a black dragon decal.
In Mortal Kombat 11, though his dark future-present counterpart retains his first revenant outfit, his human self retains his Mortal Kombat 2/3 outfit, before he wears a yin yang kung fu shirt and a black vest. After becoming a Fire God, he gains glowing blue eyes, white dragon tattoos and silver hair, with Raiden's conical hat on his back. In Mortal Kombat 1, Fire God Liu Kang's hair has returned to it's original black colour, now shoulder length, and retains his glowing eyes and tattoos. He also shares many consistent design similarities along with an open white jacket with gold decorations and black rear sections.
“ | Liu Kang: I hate to disrupt, but we must act quickly to save Earthrealm. Sindel: Is that the command of my creator? |
„ |
~ Liu Kang after revealing his role in creating the timeline in Mortal Kombat 1. |
Though he started out as Raiden's protege, he becomes increasingly impatient with the Thunder God's inaction, becoming convinced that his mentor is losing his grip on sanity. The two eventually come to blows, and Liu Kang is killed as a result, but not before the former Mortal Kombat champion calls his mentor out for his failures. This incident would continue to haunt Raiden for years to come. Little did he know that his Liu Kang's death would change his former protege for the worst.
Throughout Mortal Kombat X 's story mode, he becomes increasingly cynical and rude, thanks to his status as a revenant. Some of his intro quotes have him becoming more of a rude and self-centered warrior, is jealous of Johnny Cage taking his spot as Raiden's champion, and even sees himself as above Kung Lao. Revenant Liu Kang is arrogant and refuses to forgive Raiden for killing him after what happened Liu Kang believes that he would be a better protector then the thunder god. While he says Raiden is the blame for many of the heroes death and the change of timeline Liu Kang believes that he has been freed from Raiden's lies and thinks that he now knows the truth about the thunder god. After becoming the new ruler of the Netherrealm and his wishes to become champion again and become the new protector of Earthrealm. As a revenant who has given into his evil side, Liu Kang has a desire for control this is strongly shown in his Mortal Kombat X ending by wanting to conquer more realms after taking control over the Netherrealm.
It is revealed that after his death at the hands of Raiden and his revival at the hands of Quan Chi Liu Kang has more of an ego it is shown in his fights against his opponents. Although Liu Kang is correct that Raiden made massive mistakes during MK9 Liu's anger blinds him making him unable to forgive Raiden. Liu Kang refuses to believe the thunder god when Raiden wishes to fix the mess he has made. Although his former friends are now his enemies Liu Kang still cares for Kitana during their fights with each other. Also, while Liu Kang now believes that he is more superior to Kung Lao the two still think of each other as brothers. Liu Kang shows loyalty to Quan Chi in the story mode of Mortal Kombat X, but despite that during his fights with the sorcerer Liu believes that he can defeat Quan Chi. Liu Kang shows this during his fights and after Quan Chi's death and Shinnok's decapitation, he believes he doesn't have to follow, listen or be loyal to the sorcerer anymore just like he believes he doesn't have to do the same thing with Raiden. Liu Kang wants to be his own master now rather than follow others and have them control him or give him commands.
As a revenant, Liu Kang only possesses his worst traits, worst characteristics and none of his good ones. He is overconfident and believes because he was champion that no one is better then him. Liu Kang also believes that he hasn't fallen instead Liu Kang believes he is free now. He thinks he has now seen the truth and thinks he is better then he was before. He seeks revenge on Raiden and kill anyone who has taken his role as champion. People he once considered his friends have now become his enemies. This is most apparent when his attack on Sonya results in her having to give her life; an action so vile that Cassie outright refuses to reason with him anymore. He also seems to have become delusional, believing that Raiden killed him because he wanted the glory of defeating Shao Khan. This version then crosses an even bigger line near the end where he uses the Dark Arts to take his past self's soul.
However, once revenant Liu Kang is assimilated with Raiden and the younger Kang, his past self's heroic psyche takes control and the evil of the revenant is no more. However, his deviousness manifests when Fire God Liu Kang decided to sacrifice his friends in the Aftermath story in order to defeat a greater evil in Shang Tsung.
In MK11, after Raiden and Liu Kang realise that Kronika manipulated them into fighting, both Liu Kang and Raiden attempt to make sure they don’t quarrel. When past Liu Kang gets kidnapped and his power taken by the revenant Liu Kang, Raiden defeats his revenant self and merges both versions of Liu Kang alongside himself, resulting in Fire God Liu Kang, a version of Liu Kang with memories from both versions of Liu Kang and Raiden’s powers. Fire God Liu Kang defeats Kronika and ends her influence. While he did let some of his friends die at the hands of Shang Tsung in Aftermath, it was a necessary sacrifice as Kronika’s crown (which was made by Shang Tsung himself) was needed in order to restart time as Liu Kang learned when peering into the hourglass of Kronika. Liu Kang eventually does resurrect the people Shang Tsung killed in Aftermath in his new era, even Shao Kahn and Sindel.
After spending eons as Keeper of Time, Liu did make lives better for most, even though he couldn’t do it for everyone as people could still be bad per the cost of giving everyone free will. Liu Kang crafts destinies for everyone to follow like how he did for Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, Shao Kahn and all the other villains. That said he does allow them to be evil and is implied to leave their instincts and natural talents intact despite explicitly crafting destinies to suppress their violent nature. He also allows viruses and diseases to exist, but these are natural things that he most likely believes make people resilient, he didn’t really change the nature of people as a whole as he made them have to eat. Liu Kang in general did a good job of making sure things went smoothly and even let Shao Kahn become a successful general despite being a tyrant in the previous timeline.
While he is willing to murder, even as a non-revenant, most of the people he kills either deserve it or he has to kill them because there's no other option. For instance, wounding Shao Kahn greatly in MK9 was necessary as the tournament held in Outworld would only end with Shao's defeat. Finally, without Kronika’s interference, there was far less need for him to be lethal.
Powers and Abilities[]
Divine Empowerment/Godly Physiology/Titan Physiology: After Lord Raiden chose him as his successor, Liu Kang was made into a Fire God. Liu Kang's victory over Kronika made him into a Titan but later gave up his Titan Physiology and stayed as a Fire God in the New Era. Liu Kang kept his godly status in the new timeline and has become extremely powerful. But as soon he, his allies and friends discovered Titan Shang Tsung and the threat he posed Liu Kang with Geras' help regained his Titan powers in order to find Titan allies across the other timelines and built an masive army in order to stop Titan Shang Tsung and his allies.
- Pyrokinesis/Fire Magic: Liu Kang is commonly associated with the element of fire he is able to channel his chi in the form of dragon fire. He can use this fire to enhance his physical strikes, cast fireballs and even conjure flames from thin air and also ignite his limbs on fire. He also possess the power to summon and control a massive winged dragon of fire to assist him in combat. After Raiden give him his Godly power Liu Kang's fire powers became even more powerful powerful enough to be called the God of Fire after this he can create orange and blue colored powerful fire and combine them in a number of ways, such as a spinning fireball, shooting numerous fireballs mid-air, and even summoning orange and blue dragons made of flame. His fire was powerful enough to kill Kronika (Titan and Keeper of Time) his fire turned her into glass and he shatters her with his strength.
- Cosmic Fire:
- Teleportation:
- Portal Creation:
- Time Manipulation: After Liu Kang defeated Kronika he gained the mantle Keeper of Time and incredible time powers.
- Spatial Manipulation:
- Electrokinesis/Lightning Magic: He also possess power over Lightning and Thunder magic which he gained from Raiden after he gave him his godly power. This power allows him to shoot powerful lightning bolts from his hands at his enemies.
- Flight: Liu possess the ability to defy gravity and fly through the air with an tremendous speed.
- Immortality/Longevity: After Raiden transferred his godhood to him, Liu Kang became immortal and was no longer bound by the mortal laws of life and death.
- Superhuman Strength: Liu possess incredible supernatural strength.
- Superhuman Durability:
- Superhuman Speed:
- Superhuman Reflexes:
- Superhuman Agility:
- Superhuman Senses:
- Superhuman Stamina:
- Self-Sustenance:
- Yin and Yang Manipulation: In MKX, Liu Kang is shown to be able to manipulate his Yin and Yang energies through the Dualist variation, firing searing hot blasts of light in his Yin state along with healing properties while firing dark energy blasts and strengthening himself through his Yang state. He is also shown firing these dark projectiles in the game's Story Mode.
- Chi Manipulation:
- Resistance to Time Manipulation: After Raiden gave him his powers he also gave Liu Kang immunity against Kronika’s and Hourglass' Time Powers.
- Master Martial Artist: Liu Kang is a master of many fighting styles including Karate, Jun Fan, Pao Chui and Monkey Kung Fu. Throughout his time in the previous timeline and his New Era, Liu Kang is still one of the best martial artists and hand-to-hand combatants in the universe. Liu Kang was selected as the Chosen One by the Shaolin Monks to represent their order in the tournament after besting his best friend, Kung Lao. His time as the MK Champion was known after his victory over Shang Tsung & Shao Kahn. His martial arts expertise is immense and has used it to defeat the likes of Kitana, Jade, Scorpion, Geras, and even his revenant counterpart. In his New Era, his work was flawless until Titan Shang Tsung came to invade his timeline and destroy it with the help of his evil Titan allies. Fighting side by side with his love interest, Kitana, he was able to defeat evil Titan versions of Baraka, Li Mei, Kitana, and himself. In the Armageddon battle in Titan Shang Tsung's timeline, he was able to get pass the Forces of Darkness and meet his archnemesis at the top of his pyramid. Liu Kang was able to fight off Titan Shang Tsung and his partner, Titan Quan Chi, until he was later defeated and captured by them.
- Master Acrobat:
- Gifted Intelligence:
- Eidetic Memory:
- Expert Tactician and Stratagist:
- Leadership:
- Deception:
- Indomitable Will:
“ | Show me what you can do. | „ |
~ Liu Kang's Battle Cry in Mortal Kombat (2011). |
“ | You're good! Show me more. I'm impressed. | „ |
~ Liu Kang fighting with Kitana. |
“ | Notice that I'm ignoring you | „ |
~ Liu Kang to Kung Lao. |
“ | I do not fear you demon. As I said, I do not fear you. I pity you. | „ |
~ Liu Kang to Scorpion. |
“ | But you are responsible for her capture! You persuaded her to turn against Shao Kahn! | „ |
~ Liu Kang to Raiden. |
“ | The murderer of my friend! | „ |
~ Liu Kang to Shao Kahn after he killed Kung Lao. |
“ | You will taste your own blood! | „ |
~ Liu Kang to Shao Kahn. |
“ | On your feet! | „ |
~ Liu Kang after defeating Shao Kahn. |
“ | We abandoned them! And they're dead! | „ |
~ Liu Kang to Raiden after Sindel killed their allies. |
“ | That is insane! | „ |
~ Liu Kang after Raiden says they have to let Shao Kahn win to defeat him. |
“ | Back from the Netherrealm empty handed I see. | „ |
~ Liu Kang to Raiden. |
“ | You... have killed us... all! | „ |
~ Liu Kang's last words, after being mortally wounded by Raiden. |
“ | You spoke Shinnok’s lies. You attacked Lord Raiden, and he defended himself. He did what he must to defend Earthrealm. | „ |
~ The past Liu Kang calling out his fallen future revenant counterpart because he attacked Raiden out blind rage influenced by Shinnok |
“ | How did I get so deluded? | „ |
~ The past Liu Kang, after defeating his future counterpart while concerning himself on what will he go wrong in the future |
“ | Enough of your madness. If you must die, so be it. | „ |
~ As Liu Kang tries to stop Raiden's anger in Mortal Kombat 11; a quote that Raiden had memorized during Shao Kahn's last invasion. |
“ | Yes, Kronika. You were right to fear a combined power between Raiden’s and mine. | „ |
~ Fire God Liu Kang to Kronika, learning she is indeed right to fear his and Raiden’s fusion into foiling her schemes. |
“ | What does it mean to wield the Sands of Time? To be the Chosen One? It means making choices that break your heart. For the protection of all, I shared Kronika's power with the people I trust and loved most. Together we replace the Elder Gods that Cetrion had betrayed... and became eternal guardians of the realms. Still... My heart longs for a simpler life. The kind one cannot have being the Chosen One, let alone an Elder God. What Kitana and I would not give for those simple pleasures. Perhaps in another timeline, they could be ours. | „ |
~ Liu Kang's MK11 ending. |
“ | Fujin. A word? | „ |
~ Fire God Liu Kang to a displaced Fujin for a special task before sending him, and both displaced Shang Tsung and past Nightwolf to the past before Kronika got the time-controlling crown |
“ | A lie. Something you know well. | „ |
~ Fire God Liu Kang reveal that he set up Shang Tsung via Fujin to ensure the sorcerer’s survival and preserving the crown |
“ | Make no mistake, Shang Tsung. You have chosen this fate. | „ |
~ Liu Kang after defeating Shang Tsung during the good ending of Mortal Kombat 11 Aftermath. |
“ | No more timelines will be twisted by your evil. | „ |
~ Fire God Liu Kang erases Shang Tsung from existence and before using the crown to create the New Era. |
“ | You are humble, not like the Kung Lao I knew. | „ |
~ Fire God Liu Kang compares the attitudes between original and present-day Kung Lao in Good Ending |
“ | My loyal partner had warned him. Reclaiming my power as Keeper of Time might have unforeseen consequences. In this, as in most things, he proved prescient. The process I had undergone did irreparable harm to my body. Taking back my power had cost me my immortality. While my life span would still stretch across eons, I would one day perish. And if the war with Titan Shang Tsung taught me anything, it is that this timeline is not safe without a protector. Yet I had never given thought to choosing a successor. Who is it that could replace me and protect my New Era? The answer, of course, is Geras. Tireless and meticulous, he is perfectly suited to be entrusted with this grave duty. And no one knows better the temptations of the Hourglass. I have no doubt he will be above them. | „ |
~ Liu Kang in his arcade ending in Mortal Kombat 1.noicon |
- While this Liu Kang continued the deconstruction that began with Deadly Alliance that pushed him into increasingly-antagonistic roles, from Mortal Kombat 11, his character is reconstructed into the series protagonist, which is solidified when he takes on Raiden's role as protector god of Earthrealm.
- Despite seeing like that all the revenants are unwillingly evil thanks to being under the control of Quan Chi and Shinnok, according to some of Liu's quotes and other heroes' quotes about him, Kang (along with Kitana) seems to be willingly evil as he tells Raiden that he will help his Lord destroy the Elder Gods and thanks him for "freeing him". In his Arcade ending after Shinnok's defeat, Liu Kang can be seen to have converted back to his human form and become ruler of the Netherrealm regardless of what variation he was chosen, implying that he indeed was willingly evil. This alone shows what an impact the death of him at the end of Mortal Kombat (2011)'s story mode had. The latest game outright conforms this with him eventfully becoming irrdeemable by absorbing the soul of his past self, and trying to kill Past Raiden.
- In one his interactions with himself, he says "the creator mocks me with duplicates?" which could be a nod to the series' creator, Ed Boon, but as his clone replies "the creator does not give a whit about you", something which is clearly opposite of Boon's opinion on Liu Kang, it could be that Liu was either referring to Raiden or more likely: one of the Elder Gods.
External Links[]
- Liu Kang on the Heroes Wiki
- Liu Kang on the Pure Good Wiki
- Liu Kang on the Villains Wiki
- Liu Kang on the Villainous Benchmark Wiki
- Liu Kang on the Mortal Kombat Wiki
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First Timeline Main Heroes