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- NOTE: This page is about Kitana from the original mainstream. For Mortal Kombat Legends's version, see Kitana (Mortal Kombat Legends).
“ | You are not my family... you are a monstrosity! | „ |
~ Kitana to Mileena. |
“ | This isn't helpful, We cannot second guess our decisions. Raiden, what are your thoughts? | „ |
~ Kitana, discussing with Sonya and Jax about their plan to save Earthrealm. |
“ | Liu Kang, you were right. I wish we had met under... different circumstances. | „ |
~ Kitana's last words to Liu Kang, before dying in his hands. |
“ | My 'sister' was an unholy monster, exactly like you 'father'. | „ |
~ Kitana to Shao Kahn. |
Kitana, also known as Princess Kitana or Lady Kitana, is one of the main protagonists of the Mortal Kombat franchise. She is the princess of Edenia and the biological daughter of King Jerrod and Queen Sindel, as well as an adopted daughter of the evil Emperor Shao Kahn. In the series' original storyline, Kitana formerly served Shao Kahn as an elite assassin before becoming one of the leaders of the good characters. She also has a role of suggested romantic interest for one of the series' primary heroes Liu Kang and has an evil twin/clone and arch-nemesis named Mileena, as well as a longtime intimate friend Jade.
Original Timeline[]
Kitana was the daughter of Jerrod and Sindel, Jerrod was the king while Sindel was the queen of Edenia. Edenia was a peaceful place in a way reminiscent to Earthrealm.
When Kitana was a child Shao Kahn invaded Edenia he ended up killing Jerrod and Sindel becomes Kahn's new wife which made Kitana think that Kahn was her real father by blood but he was not, as Kitana became older she became a well skilled Assassin for Shao Kahn and ranked princess under him. After a while Kahn feared that Kitana would soon learn the truth about her past, he constructed a monstrous clone of Kitana made with half her blood mixed with the Strength of Tarkatan blood Mileena was created.
Kitana continued to attend with Shao Kahn along with her good friend Jade who is also a very strong Assassin.
Kitana remained loyal to Shao Kahn but secretly wants to kill Shao Kahn. Her plans were discovered by her chaotic clone Mileena who attacked Kitana; after a fierce battle Kitana succeeded in killing her twin Mileena which led to Kitana's imprisonment and is to be executed. However Kitana eventually escapes and joins back up with Earthrealm and her friends, with this Kitana grows more affectionate with Earthrealm like another home to her.
After saving her mother Sindel from Shao Kahn and freeing Edenia Kahn's treasury was short lived and defeated. Before leaving Earthrealm Kitana thanks Liu Kang for everything.
However all was not well when Shinnok invaded the realms but is soon defeated by Earthrealm's warriors freeing Edenia and Earthrealm again at this point Kitana Confessed her love for Liu Kang and would hoped that Liu would be king alongside her being queen. Liu Kang appreciates the offer but politely declines as he needs to protect Earthrealm from any other danger Kitana understood and left but happy that Liu Kang shares the love for her.
Having freed her home world of Edenia from Shao Kahn's grasp, Kitana led her people to battle against the weakened Emperor in a pre-emptive strike. She allied with the Shokan armies of Outworld, led by Prince Goro, and together their two nations were on the brink of victory. Tragedy struck when Goro was killed in battle and the Shokan army spiralled into leaderless chaos. But in a strange turn of events, Shao Kahn was slain by unknown assailants and Kano's troops began a hasty retreat. Kitana had won, but at a terrible cost to the Shokan people.
The last of Emperor Shao Kahn's armies had retreated and it seemed to Kitana that a new era of peace was at hand.
But when a small number of hideous undead soldiers began to appear under the banner of the sorcerers Shang Tsung and Quan Chi, her dreams of returning to the realm of Edenia would have to wait. Her warmy clashed with this new threat, but were easily cut down by the bewitched weapons that the undead army wielded. The souls of her slain troops left their bodies and flew off into the distance, attracted to a bright green beacon.
Kitana's longtime enemy Shao Kahn was dead, and the alliance between Shang Tsung and Quan Chi was defeated with the help of warriors from Earthrealm. Although there was peace once more throughout the realms, all was not right for Kitana. Saddened by the death of Goro, she attended a ceremony in the Kuatan palace to honor her fallen friend and ally. Following Shokan tradition, Prince Goro's body was lowered into the molten rock contained within the throne room itself.
As Kitana said goodbye to her war time ally Goro (even though it was a decoy), she also held a moment of silence for Liu Kang and secretly wished he had joined her in Edenia so many years ago. During the assault on Shang Tsung's palace, she faces Quan Chi one-on-one but despite her improved fighting skills, gained from training with Bo' Rai Cho, Kitana is outmatched and killed alongside her allies.
In Mortal Kombat: Deception, Onaga resurrects Kitana and the others under his control, who then sends Mileena to impersonate Kitana as the princess of Edenia. He uses Kitana to defeat and imprison her mother, Sindel, knowing that the queen would not fight her daughter. Sindel is freed from her own dungeon by Jade, and together they flee to Outworld where they attempt to find a way to defeat Onaga and free Kitana from his influence.
Unknown to anyone at the time, Liu Kang's spirit was able to remain amongst the living due to the bond he shared with Kitana. He found himself a new ally and friend in Ermac, as the two embark on a mission to save their allies as well. Ermac and Liu Kang are successful in freeing Kitana and the other Earthrealm heroes.
Afterward, as Kitana travels back to Edenia, she encounters Blaze, who warns her of a coming new danger that will threaten all the realms and advises her to assemble the forces of light into battle. Weary of constant battle, Kitana is disheartened, but Blaze assures her that the wars will soon be over.
Following this warning, Kitana returns in Mortal Kombat: Armageddon, accompanied by Liu Kang's spirit in order to keep him whole until there was a way to reunite him with his body. They later meet with Nightwolf, who offers to relieve Kitana of her burden to take Liu Kang's soul into himself, allowing her to fight against the coming evil. During the Battle of Armageddon, Kitana is seen among the Forces of Light, fighting against Kano, Kintaro, and later Reptile. Kitana ultimately perishes with the rest of her allies during the battle. In her non canon ending, Kitana absorbed Blaze's powers, and became the champion of the Elder Gods. She formed an all female team, including her mother, best friend, Sonya and Li Mei, who managed to defeat the Forces of Darkness and banish them to the Netherrealm forever.
Second Timeline[]
Kitana was the daughter of Jerrod and Sindel, Jerrod was the king while Sindel was the queen of Edenia. Edenia was a peaceful place in a way reminiscent to Earthrealm.
When Kitana was a child Shao Kahn invaded Edenia he ended up killing Jerrod and Sindel becomes Kahn's new wife which made Kitana think that Kahn was her real father by blood but he was not, as Kitana became older she became a well skilled Assassin for Shao Kahn and ranked princess under him. After a while Kahn feared that Kitana would soon learn the truth about her past, he constructed a monstrous clone of Kitana made with half her blood mixed with the Strength of Tarkatan blood Mileena was created.
Kitana continued to attend with Shao Kahn along with her good friend Jade who is also a very strong Assassin.
Kitana first seen with Jade during the opening of the tournament and spectates with the rest of the fighters. She's not seen again until her and Jade attempt to stop Sonya from escaping the island, however they both lose against her. The next day Kitana notices Liu Kang is a skillful warrior and informs Shang Tsung that she will deal with him. She confronts Liu Kang with full on Hand-to Hand combat, Liu Kang compliments her fighting skills and strength. After Kitana losed she asks Liu Kang to kill her; He refuses and say's the confrontation never happened. Kitana is later scolded heavily by her father Shao Kahn (stepfather) for not dealing with the Lin Kuei, when clearly she wasn't informed of there presence. Angered and upset Kitana argues with Jade about her rank as a princess,Jade insist they talk later onced she's calmed down. While wandering she's confronted by Smoke and Johnny along with Raiden. Smoke and Johnny are defeated by Kitana. Raiden stops and tell's Kitana she must uncover the truth in order to see things clearly. After heeding his word Kitana ventures to the living Forest and is confronted by Jade. She pleads with her to turn back but Kitana refuses and they fight with Kitana being victor. When reaching the Flesh pits She discovers that Shang Tsung made horrific clones of herself and fights Mileena. After Winning she faces Shang Tsung and incapitates him and forced him to tell the truth to her father; however Shao Kahn Applaudes Shang Tsung and tells Kitana her real father was killed by him. He prompts Kitana to be executed by noon, Jade informs Raiden and the others. Kitana is shackled and without her mask, Liu Kang frees her but Kung Lao dies. After Liu Kang defeats Shao Kahn, Kitana and Liu Kang mourn Kung Lao's Death. After being set free, Kitana Joins the Earthrealm warriors and together they try to change the future for a better world. During the meeting with the others, Kitana reassures everyone should relax and not make second minded decisions. When Raiden leaves with Liu Kang to go to the elder gods, Kitana and the others are ambushed by the Lin Kuei. They were successfully defeat them all, however Kitana sees her mother Sindel. All of the fighters are defeated with Kitana being the last one. She fights her Mother but she is brutally beaten; bleeding from the mouth and brutally hurt Kitana pleads with her mother, but she ignores. Kitana's energy is sucked away and is near death. Her last words to Liu Kang "Is she wished they met under different circumstances" and dies.
She kills the demon Moloch on Quan Chi's orders, and also sees the necromancer kill off Drahmin for their failure to capture Scorpion. The undead princess stands by Liu Kang as Quan Chi discusses how Shinnok's prized amulet is now exposed, Kitana states they should go after it, though Kung Lao reminds her that both Earthrealm and Outworld are on high alert after Havik's rampage, and suggests subterfuge using Shinnok's new acolyte D'Vorah, to aid them in stealing the exposed amulet.
25 years later, it is shown that Kitana is still an undead revenant serving Shinnok and Quan Chi. She, Kung Lao, Liu Kang, Smoke and Sindel make up as Quan Chi's primary enforcers since Shinnok was trapped inside his amulet for a very long time. Jax and Sareena lament that Quan Chi's corruption has turned the revenants into killing machines, with some of them seemingly (Liu Kang, Kitana, Sindel, and to a smaller degree, Kung Lao) enjoying being revenants. She replies to them, stating that she doesn't feel being victimized and felt that Raiden was toying around with her emotions. She and the remaining revenants are seen in Scorpion's chapter, where they pledge their allegiance to the recently- freed Elder God Shinnok before proceeding to take Johnny Cage hostage, attack the Sky Temple and poison the Jinsei - Earthrealm's life force. Kitana is then seen in Cassie Cage's chapter, where she and the revenants are discussing with D'Vorah on next steps after Earthrealm is destroyed, with the former princess suggesting an assault on the Elder Gods. After Quan Chi was slain by Scorpion, and Shinnok defeated by Cassie Cage, it is shown in the ending that Kitana has become empress of the Netherrealm, co-ruling alongside Liu Kang. Raiden, now bearing a menacing appearance, tosses the former Elder God Shinnok's still-living head at their feet, and warns them that he will not sit idly by and watch Earthrealm get invaded, but will go on a warpath and destroy anybody who dares to threaten it, and that he won't show any mercy or remorse. Her Mortal Kombat X's arcade ending shows that Kitana has a vision where she became queen of Edenia, after it was freed from Outworld. In this vision of a timeline unaltered, Shao Kahn had destroyed Earthrealm, yet Kitana united the other realms against the Outworld conqueror and defeated him. But this turned out to be a vision, and she blamed Raiden for her fate.
Kronika is tampering with time, bringing her past non-Revenant self to the present timeline, along with other Earthrealm warriors. She manages to defeat Shao Kahn and subsequently becomes Outworld's new Kahn. She then guides her troops with all her allies against Kronika Fort but is wiped out when the Titan uses her hourglass to change the times. Kitana along with Liu Kang became one of the antagonists in this game serving Kronika. The rulers of Netherrealm are attacked by the tyrant Dark Raiden leading the Earthrealm heroes on a dangerous mission to defeat the revenants. Liu Kang and Kitana sent their demons to fight Raiden while Kabal, Jade and the rest of the demons fight Jacqui, Cassie, Sonya and their soldiers. Kabal is defeated while Jade is smart enough to warn Liu Kang and Kitana. After the two rulers enter the fight then defeat and trap Sonya, she dies trying to stop them and save everyone else. Raiden's plan was to destroy Quan Chi's castle so the revenants could have no more power. The plan worked, but at the cost of Sonya and many Special Forces soldiers. Raiden did not care about Sonya or the soldiers' deaths; he only wanted to stop the revenants. Liu Kang and Kitana are worried about what they will do without their power source, then Kronika shows up and promises to help them. They agree to aid her when she tells them that they will get rid of Raiden. Kitana and the revenants who serve Kronika remain by her side, more than any of the other bad guys.
While revenant Kitana serves Kronika, the young Kitana from the original timeline works with the heroes. But young Kitana decides to focus on freeing Outworld while the other heroes save Earthrealm. Unlike revenant Kitana, young Kitana does not have a hate for Raiden; that hate is directed to Shao Kahn.
When Fire God Liu Kang (who, with assimilation of revenant Liu Kang and Raiden's help and power, transcended from a mortal to godhood) storms Kronika's Keep, Kronika gives extra power to the revenant versions of Kitana, Kung Lao and Jade, and sends them after him to stall for more time while she readies the hourglass. Revenant Kitana is then defeated by Liu Kang, who also defeats the other two revenants. She is presumed to have been deleted from existence when Kronika rebooted the timeline (turning history back to era of dinosaurs or chaos, depending on how the player fares against Kronika) prior to her final fight with Liu Kang.
In Aftermath, the events after her victory over Shao Kahn are largely changed. She is betrayed by a fully resurrected Sindel, who frees Shao Kahn from his imprisonment and defeats Kitana even before arriving at the fort. The dethroned Kahn subsequently loses the loyalty of the Tarkatan and Kahn Guard after Shao Kahn and Sindel are promised mercy and riches in the New Age. Sindel then suggests chaining Kitana to suffer the bitterness of defeat.
New Era[]
This Kitana resurfaces after Liu Kang regains the power of the Keeper of Time. Needing allies against the Titan Shang Tsung, he summons her to his timeline, and after learning that he is also a Titan who defeated Kronika, Kitana realizes that they are from the same timeline. She embraces Liu Kang and kisses him, but realizes there must have been a pressing need to summon her. After Liu Kang also summons a Titan form of Kung Lao and Raiden, the four agree that Shang Tsung must be dealt with. Shang Tsung interrupts their meeting, intending to destroy Liu Kang's Hourglass and both he and his timeline along with it. However, the four of them (along with Geras) are able to defeat Tsung and his minions and drive them away. Afterwards, they realize they must amass an army of fellow Titans to protect the multiverse from Shang Tsung's evil.
Kitana appears as one of the Titans of Light on the side of Liu Kang, and fights alongside him and the playable Final Warrior. She defends the two and defeats Dark doppelgangers of the Kombat Kids.
- Main article: Kitana (3rd Timeline)
In Other Media[]
Mortal Kombat Legends[]
- Main article: Kitana (Mortal Kombat Legends)
Kitana is 10,000 years old but looks like she is in her 20's still. Throughout the majority of her appearances, Kitana's attire is mostly blue with blue fans and a blue mask. She has black hair that's laid down and sometimes tied. In Mortal Kombat 9, she has more of a different appearance, but still keeping her blue attire now having more muscular build and having abs; her midriff is exposed. She wears a blue Edenian bra that's cross laced revealing cleavage, and wears blue boots. In her alternate costume she is unmasked and her laced bra is down, her sleeves are longer and her cloth that was in front of her legs is now in the back.
For Mortal Kombat X, her default outfit is more ninja-like with a blue accent color against some black parts, namely her pair of elbow-length gloves and her bra supported by some strong silk and under what looks like a corset for her waist. Here, Kitana also wears some golden jewelries on her forehead, around her neck, and on her chest. Other changes to the outfit includes a pair of shoulder armors with an extension that goes down towards her gloves, and a pair of beige leather boots that goes up to the middle of her thighs with some armored knee pads. Her hair is held in a bun with a pair of hair sticks and sporting two breads, and she also has faint blue eye shadow.
Kitana vs Mileena both mask off.
As opposed to her evil twin Mileena both Kitana and Mileena with there masks on look similar even with there figure and stature and hair. However, Kitana's face is more beautiful compared to the monstrosity of her clone. Most of the time Kitana wears beautiful make-up to enhance her features even more.
Under Shao Kahn's influence, Kitana was stubborn, naive, and filled with anger. But after breaking free from him, she becomes more noble, kind, and caring. She openly turns against Shao Kahn and becomes a loyal friend and ally to Earthrealm, especially Raiden and his team of warriors. Although she is kind, Kitana is also haughty do to her royal status as a princess. She is polite, bold, confident, proud, brave, and strong. Kitana is extremely loyal to her friends and despite her good traits Kitana has flaws.
Kitana shows a strong dislike to her enemies mostly her sister and rival Mileena. Even though Kitana wants to stop those who wish to harm earth and Edenia she still tries to reason with them. This is seen when Kitana tries to free her mother from Shao Kahn's control. Kitana showing kindness to her enemies is also seen when she makes peace with Goro and the Shokan. Those she can't reason with Kitana doesn't forgive them like Shao Kahn or other similar bad guys. Though Kitana is loyal, honorable, and selfless, Kitana does seek vengeance and justice against Shao Kahn and his minions.
Kitana's main goal is to get revenge on Shao Kahn and his forces for enslaving her homeworld. Kitana wants justice for what he has done. In many of her endings through out all of the games it mentioned that Kitana wishes to bring peace, preserve, order and justice to all the realms. Her goals are to restore all the realms back to their greatness that they once had with Edenia being in charge. Another one of Kitana's main goals is to have an all female fighting group in two of her endings as the protectors of all the realms. While she wishes for Edenia to be the center of peace for all the realms Kitana wants her female fighting group to be greatest force of the Edenian army, enforcers, guards and soldiers.
Like many other characters in Mortal Kombat Armageddon Kitana fights the other kombatants for the powers of Blaze. But unlike the bad guys who wish to just the powers for evil. Kitana wishes to use the power to help, her intentions are to use the powers are good but like all the kombatants Kitana wanting Blaze's power was only for her good intentions not for anyone else's good intentions.
As of MKX, after being killed by Sindel and turned into a revenant, she no longer sees herself a victim and is ready to rule the Netherrealm alongside Liu Kang and seek revenge against her former ally, Raiden. Kitana as in her non-revenant form wants Edenia to unite every realm under the peaceful rule of Edenia. While her revenant form wants to force the other realms under the fearful rule of the Netherrealm. Both want the power to rule and control however normal Kitana wants to rule in a fare and noble way but revenant Kitana wants to rule in a more evil way.
Both Kitana and Mileena have a strong rivalry with each other both dislike the other. Kitana doesn't like Mileena because of her horrifying looks and because of her sister's vile nature. Mileena doesn't like Kitana because her good nature spoils what Mileena thinks of as fun. She also doesn't like Kitana because she has beauty that Mileena is jealous of. Though Mileena enjoys being who she is Mileena wants what Kitana has. Kitana doesn't want Mileena to have the power to rule Edenia because she knows what her cloned sister would do with that power to rule. Mileena's blood thirsty Tarkatan nature would lead Edenia down a path that Kitana would never allow.
But despite the hated rivalry between Kitana and Mileena even though the two want each other dead, Kitana has shown pity and forgiveness to Mileena in her non-cannon Mortal Kombat (2011) ending. In that ending, Kitana allows Mileena to joined her group of female fighters. So even though Kitana is horrified by her sister's face and doesn't like her sister's personality. Kitana allowing Mileena to join her group of fighters shows that she is kind and cares no matter how terrible another person's attentions are. Though she will never let her cloned sister have the throne of Edenia because of how dangerous that would Kitana is willing enough to help her sister if Mileena will let her and changes her ways. If not then Kitana will not mourning her sister's passing if she kills her.
Kitana is determined to undo everything Shao Kahn did and to stop him but as determined as she is Kitana is also driven by vengeance. While she is loyal to her friends Baraka tells the true that the only time she has shown disloyalty and betrayal was to her stepfather Shao Kahn. Kitana has good intentions but Kitana has shown her anger anytime someone compares her to Shao Kahn when she becomes Kahn. She is nice and will forgive her enemies but as forgiving as she is Kitana has no problem hurting her enemies or punishing them.
While Kitana wishes to restore Edenia for good reasons she mostly wants to revive her homeworld for herself because she misses everything thing she lost. Kitana wanting to rule Edenia again and to rule Outworld means she seeks power and control even though it is for good reasons Kitana still wants power and control so she can stop her enemies.
Kitana has shown to have no trust in Kotal Kahn after they become allies she knows that he has wisdom that can be helpful but she doesn't agree with everything he says or does. As the new Kahn of Outworld Kitana doesn't like how Kotal and the Outworlders don't approve her love with Liu Kang. After Kitana becomes Kahn she agrees with Kotal that they should work with Earthrealm but not trust it. She even let's her allies of earth know that they will work together but she doesn't completely trust them.
As the current ruler of Outworld Kitana Kahn has to work with the heroes of earth however it is diffcult for the Outworlders to trust Earthrealmers. Kitana Kahn has called her friends during a few fight intros Eathrealmers instead of calling them by their names. Even after being freed from Shao Kahn's control Kitana still shows a little bit of stubbornness. It's highly implied that since Kitana wasn't as oppressed as her 2nd timeline counterpart she still shows signs of arrogance although in a more teasingly fighting way, rather than belittling the person. Her 2nd timeline persona is much more grounded and humble considering she was saved by her earthrealm companions from being executed she's gained more valiant trust and compassion with them and even addresses them by name; contradicting the way she is in mk11.
Kitana has told Sonya that even though they are allies it is hard for them to get along because she has made mistakes she wishes to fix while Sonya holds grudges. Kitana has also told Sonya that she doesn't have authority to stand in her way when she wants to see Raiden. During their intro about one of their past fights Sonya Blade talks about how she beat Kitana but Kitana lies and says with a little laughter that she let Sonya win. Kitana has told Raiden and her allies from Earthrealm that she doesn't need their help and can handle Outworlds problems alone. When Raiden warns her about Onaga she says that she doesn't fear the dragon king. Kitana has also called Raiden a demigod Raiden corrects her and says that he is a thunder god but Kitana doesn't care what kind of god Raiden is.
When Raiden worries that Kitana and Liu Kang's love for each other might get in the way of their duties as protector of Earthrealm and Kahn of Outworld Kitana just tells him he is worry too much. Kitana doesn't like it when she learns that Raiden and her Earthrealm friends are scouting the boards of Outworld after she becomes the new ruler. While she does work with her Earthrealm allies now that she is the new Khan of Outworld Kitana has some trust issues with earth as the new empress.
Kitana has shown to be driven by revenge and vengeance both as a revenant and as her normal self. As a revenant Kitana wants revenge and vengeance on Raiden for getting her killed as her regular self she wants revenge and vengeance on Shao Kahn. Kitana is also driven by rage and anger both as a revenant and non-revenant. As a revenant, Kitana is angry at Raiden but as her normal self she is angry at Shao Kahn. She is also driven by obsession as a revenant and as her regular self.
As a revenant Kitana was obsessed with getting rid of Raiden as a non-revenant, she is obsessed with beating Shao Kahn. No matter if she is a revenant or not Kitana has shown to a lot of wrath. As a revenant, Kitana's wrath is directed at Raiden but as her normal self that wrath is directed at Shao Kahn.
Kitana is headstrong and has been known to question her friends loyalty. Kitana cares for her friends and will help them but she constantly worries about betrayal. Kitana has a fear of being used lied to fooled and tricked since Shao Kahn did that to her it is the reason why she questions her friends and allies. Although Kitana has warth, anger inside of her and while she seeks revenge and vengeance Kitana has shown forgiveness to her enemies she also seeks justice for herself and those who have suffered at the hands of Shao Kahn.
Powers and Abilities[]
Kitana using her Wind magic on Jade
Kitana uses her Steel Fans in battle, although she is more than exceptional in unarmed hand-to-hand combat. She can use her fans as both a projectile and a melee weapon, as well as the ability to create large and small tornadoes with her Edenian/Wind magic, ( She expresses her magic with her War Fans) Kitana also has the ability to teleport short/long distances and somewhat has flight to an extent. She can also throw her fans while airborne and execute a midair punch to counter other airborne foes.
This made her one of the most strongest Mortal Kombat fighters in the series, and was later slightly changed to meet the equal standards in fairness in later games. Kitana's also very agile; able to do very quick kicks and fast fist attacks. As for strength Kitana exceptionally has it, using strong throws and hitting vital's such as chest, throat, and knees making her a deadly warrior. Her strikes are strong enough to deliver powerful blows on her opponents such as uppercuts strong enough to send a person flying or frontal hand-palm attacks to fracture bones or create extremely fatal injuries to her opponents with just that alone. She's also capable of lifting a fully grown man with just one hand, as shown when she lifted Shang Tsung showing her strength.
Throughout the series, she has been shown to be more powerful than her evil twin Mileena, and has bested her several times. She is also a very strong leader; she succeeded in recruiting Sindel back to her side and convince her of Shao Kahn's evil during the events of Mortal Kombat 3, and has done the same to Goro in Mortal Kombat Gold. Other abilities includes teleportation, however, only short distances but she can easily exploit this against the enemy when they drop their guard.
- Edenian Physiology: Princess Kitana is an Edenian, a race from the realm of Edenia. The Edenian race were descended from the gods themselves which was the reason for their longevity, nobility, strength and other attributes.
- Superhuman Strength: Being an Edenian, Kitana is able to lift a lot of weight and is able to beat opponents who are stronger and a lot durable as her. She was able to lift up Shang Tsung with just one hand and can cause injuries to a lot of her opponents. She has defeated Shao Kahn in combat, who is known to be one of the most powerful villains in Mortal Kombat. It's also presumed that she is strong enough to take an Elder God.
- Superhuman Speed: Her skills as an assassin have made her speed incredible. She is very fast to unleash a barrage of punches and kicks to her opponents without them noticing.
- Superhuman Durability
- Superhuman Agility
- Superhuman Reflexes: Kitana is one of the few assassins who has incredible reflexes. She can quickly avoid many projectiles like spears, bullets, and other lethal weapons.
- Superhuman Senses: Kitana has incredible senses as well. She was able to sense Jade who was following and spying on her. Kitana's senses are also incredible that she was able to sense Jade sneaking into the tower of Shao Kahn's fortress to rescue her when Sheeva was talking to her.
- Magic: Kitana possesses quite a degree of magic much like other Edenians do.
- Aerokinesis: Kitana has the magical ability to create powerful winds to raise her opponents up in the air and use that advantage to defeat them. She can also use that magic on herself to cause her to fly and create a vortex to suck her opponents blood out of their bodies or pull her opponents close to her.
- Flight
- Aerokinesis: Kitana has the magical ability to create powerful winds to raise her opponents up in the air and use that advantage to defeat them. She can also use that magic on herself to cause her to fly and create a vortex to suck her opponents blood out of their bodies or pull her opponents close to her.
- Teleportation: Kitana also has the ability to teleport to wherever she wants to.
- Longevity: Since Edenians are descended from gods, their lifespans are twice as longer than both Humans and Outworlders. Princess Kitana is 10,000 years old but is considered young in her realm of Edenia and has the appearance of a young woman.
- Master Martial Artist: Princess Kitana has fought for thousands of years and is considered to be one of the best asassins and martial artists in the universe. Kitana relies mostly on her Steel Fans in battle, although she is more than adequate in unarmed hand-to-hand combat and martial arts. Princess Kitana uses Bojutsu in her Mournful variation in Mortal Kombat X, using Jade's Bo and Razor-Rang.
- Tessenjutsu
- Ba Gua
- Eagle Claw
- Bojutsu
- Master Acrobat: Being an assassin, she is one of the best acrobats in all of Outworld. She can perform cartwheels and flips to evade attacks.
- Weapons Mastery: In all of her appearances in Mortal Kombat, she is shown to be a master at using weapons to her advantage when fighting.
- Stealth: She has great experience of stealth proven when she snuck into Shang Tsung's Flesh Pits after wandering through the Living Forest.
- Master Tactician and Strategist: She has known to be a very talented strategist. She has excellent strategies when it comes to teaming up with allies. She had come up with the idea of Liu Kang and Kung Lao disguising themselves as guards to take her prisoner in order to save Jade from Skarlet.
- Indomitable Will: Kitana is known to have immense willpower and never gives up so easily until she completes her goals.
- Leadership: She has shown to be an excellent leader to her fellow Outworlders. She succeeded in recruiting Sindel back to her side and convince her of Shao Kahn's evil during the events of Mortal Kombat 3 and has done the same to Goro in Mortal Kombat Gold. She also succeeded in recruiting Sheeva and Baraka to her side in order to save Kotal and unite all of Outworlder.
- Steel Fans: Steel Fans are bladed, fan-like weapons used by Princess Kitana from Mortal Kombat II onwards. She can use her fans as both a projectile and a melee weapon, as well as the ability to create large and small Tornadoes with her Edenian/Wind magic, She can also throw her fans while airborne and execute a mid-air punch to counter other airborne foes.
- Flying Blade: The Flying Blade is a bladed throwing weapon used by Kitana in Mortal Kombat Gold.
- Bo: Kitana has used Jade's Bo in her Mournful variation in MKX
- Cyclone Thrower: She also used Jade's Cyclone Thrower in her Mournful variation as well.
- Sai: Kitana used one of Mileena's Sais in MK11. Although she does not use it the Story Mode, she does use it in her Half Blood Stance.
“ | You have no right you are not my sister! You were born of Shang Tsung's sorcery for Shao Kahn! What right do you have to the throne of Edenia! You are evil and there for have no place in this world! Never! | „ |
~ Kitana telling Mileena she can't have the throne. |
“ | When will it end? Every victory leads to more conflict and greater adversaries! | „ |
~ Kitana talking to Blaze. |
“ | Do not underestimate me, Shaolin! | „ |
~ Kitana to Liu Kang. |
“ | You sealed our fate in this place, Thunder God! You have condemned us all! | „ |
~ Kitana to Raiden, in her undead state. |
“ | Is this how you show your loyalty, Jade? You follow me when I clearly wish to be alone, then you abrade me? I will not me scolded like a child! | „ |
~ Kitana speaking angrily to her best friend Jade. |
“ | Get up! | „ |
~ Kitana says to Shang Tsung with anger in her voice. |
“ | Despicable swine! | „ |
~ Kitana speaking with anger to Shang Tsung. |
“ | Through her years of working as an assassin, Kitana has learned many secrets.
„ |
~ Kitana's biography in Mortal Kombat II. |
“ | She thinks little of her escape and moves quickly into battle against Shinnok and Quan Chi. | „ |
~ Kitana's biography. |
“ | Kitana had won, but at a terrible coast to the Shokan people. | „ |
~ Kitana's biography in Mortal Kombat Tribute. |
“ | Show yourself, Jade I know you're following me. Again! | „ |
~ Kitana unhappy with her childhood and best friend. |
“ | To the Wasteland to seek help from Goro. To kill me you idiot! And then to kill you. | „ |
~ Kitana telling Kung Lao & Liu Kang about what Mileena is doing. |
“ | Farewell, sister! | „ |
~ Kitana speaking with an angry voice while trying to kill Mileena. |
“ | Farewell! | „ |
~ Kitana after exciting her X-Ray. |
“ | It was through Kung Lao that she learned of the Deadly Alliance and the death of Liu Kang at the hands of Shang Tsung. It seemed her return home would have to wait. | „ |
~ Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance. |
“ | You dare approach me? | „ |
~ Kitana in Mortal Kombat (2011). |
“ | Silence! | „ |
~ Kitana angry with Shang Tsung. |
“ | I... I want to feel joy but all I feel is... I was only a child when you... How could you kill yourself? Why did you abandon me? | „ |
~ Kitana to her ressurected mother, Sindel. |
“ | Jade he's just a friend. | „ |
~ Kitana Kahn lying and trying to act like she isn't in love with Liu Kang. |
“ | I expect no less from him. | „ |
~ Kitana Kahn letting Jade know that she is angry that Shao Kahn is still alive. |
“ | You killed Jared D'Vorah. On behalf of them you die. | „ |
~ Both Revenant Kitana and Kitana Kahn are angry that D'Vorah killed her father. |
“ | Only you D'Vorah. | „ |
~ Kitana Kahn saying she only hates D'Vorah and wants to help the other Kytinn. |
“ | You claim to know my father. | „ |
~ Both Revenant Kitana and Kitana Kahn get mad when D'Vorah says her father was weak. |
“ | I expect your loyalty. That is for it's Kahn to decide. | „ |
~ Kitana Kahn saying to Kotal that she can decide to end Outworld to free and save Edenia. |
“ | Sage advice indeed. | „ |
~ Kitana Kahn impressed after Kotal says they can work with Earthrealm but not trust it |
“ | Hurt Jade and you will have to answer to me. Do not forget it Kotal. | „ |
~ Kitana Kahn warning Kotal what will happen to him if anything happens to Jade with anger in her voice. |
“ | Do you have any advice for the new Kahn? How close should I keep you. | „ |
~ Kitana Kahn doesn't trust Kotal |
“ | You Belittle my bound with Liu Kang? | „ |
~ Kitana Kahn angrily wonders why Kotal doesn't approve of her love with him |
“ | Most we again prepare for war? | „ |
~ Kitana Kahn asking Kotal what Outworld should do as their enemies grow stronger |
“ | What could you know of my mother? | „ |
~ Kitana Kahn getting upset when Geras says she would disappoint Sindel |
“ | Turn from Shao Kahn Kollector. Your life's worth nothing? | „ |
~ Kitana Kahn trying to recruit Kollector into her court |
“ | You'll have to kill me first. | „ |
~ Kitana Kahn getting angry when Shao Kahn says he will kill everyone she cares about. |
“ | Yes Shao Kahn? | „ |
~ Kitana Kahn angrily asking what the former emperor has to say |
“ | I'll take your war hammer next. | „ |
~ Kitana Kahn sounding and showing pride in taking things away from Shao Kahn. |
“ | The feeling's mutual father. | „ |
~ Kitana Kahn speaking angrily after Shao Kahn talks about killing her. |
“ | Your rule was disgraceful. | „ |
~ Kitana Kahn angry at how Shao Kahn ruled Outworld. |
“ | The thought of you with my mother. I'll flay the smile from your face. | „ |
~ Kitana Kahn really angry thinking of Sindel pleasing Shao Kahn, pledging loyalty to him and being married to him. |
“ | You will pay for Edenia. | „ |
~ Kitana Kahn angrily wanting to kill Shao Kahn. |
“ | What do you know Shao Kahn? | „ |
~ Kitana Kahn after Shao Kahn says she can't get Edenia back with if he is dead. |
“ | Don't let his thoughts concern you. | „ |
~ Kitana Kahn telling Liu Kang not to worry about what Kotal thinks of their love. |
- Kitana's name is a combination of Japanese words Kitsune ("Fox") and Katana.
- In her Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe ending, Kitana was given Shang Tsung's abandoned island as a base of operations for her Edenian Resistance fighters. She had it changed to a "Bastion of Beauty and Light" and named it Argus Island, essentially the Themyscira of Edenia.
- Kitana's body can be seen in the introduction of Mortal Kombat: Deception, located on the stairs leading to the Soulnado.
- Kitana's second color in MKII is gray. This color was recycled for MK Trilogy's Khameleon.
- Kitana has a "Kiss of Death" Fatality in every game but Mortal Kombat (2011) and Mortal Kombat X.
- Kitana is the most-seen female character in Mortal Kombat (2011) 's Story Mode. She appears in all chapters but three: Chapter 12, Chapter 13, and Chapter 14.
- When Kitana performs her X-Ray Move in MK (2011) on female characters, her fan's blades will go through the skull, but when she performs it on males, the blades will not go through the skull. However, when her X-Ray Move is performed on Goro, Kintaro, or Shao Kahn, the blades will go through the skull.
- WWE Diva AJ Lee dressed as Kitana during a Halloween Costume Battle Royal as a homage to the character.
External Links[]
- Kitana on the Heroes Wiki
- Kitana on the Mortal Kombat Wiki
- Kitana on the Near Pure Good Wiki
- Kitana (Alternate Timeline) on the Villains Wiki