Protagonists Wiki

Saul (Also known as Israelites' King, simply King Saul) is One of the Heroic Antagonist from David VS Goliath who makes His Debut in Books. He also appears and returns in Ongoing Bible Series like Television Series and Movies made in Live Actions and Cartoons Franchises.

He is a Light Unit who is a King of Israelites, Father of Jonathan and an Advisor and Father-in-Law of King David the Youngest of Eight Sons of Jesse, so He had to takes care of His Father's Sheep. King Saul is also a Rival of Goliath who is a Taker down of Innocent People, forcing Them to quits.



Full Synopsis[]

David VS Goliath[]

King Saul starts being a Good Man, but He becomes conceited and disobeys God. When He is commanded to waits for Samuel's Advice in a Week, Samuel is getting late and Saul decides to offers Sacrifices instead. When Samuel arrives, He disciples Saul for not waiting for Him. Later, He was ordered to takes down All Amalekites in the Battle of Michmash, including Livestock and Babies, but He spares the King and the Best Livestock's Lifeless Bodies. Samuel arrives to Saul's Camp and, nothing the Livestock, reprimands Saul for disobeying. Samuel tells Him that He once a Humble Man, but He actually makes His own Wishes rather than God's. Saul tries to defends Himself saying that His Army saves the Best Livestock and He will offer the Livestock as a Sacrifice, but Samuel saying that Obedience is Better than Sacrifices. Saul recognizes His Fault, but Samuel says that God has rejects Him, and He delivers His Kingdom to Someone Better. When Samuel is going to returns His Home, Samuel grabs His Cloak and a Piece of Garment tears off, and Samuel announces that what happened to His Cloak, what will happen to Saul's Kingdom. Then Samuel sends for the Amalekite King and beheads Him as a Punishmentof killing Boys. Samuel then retreats.

samuel gets very sad about Saul's Fall but God tells Him to no worry for Him. Also, He sends Samuel to anoints the Next King, who is in Belthelem in Jesse's House. As an Excuse for avoiding being killed by Saul, God tells Him to uses a Lamb for Sacrifice. When arriving, Samuel meets Jesse and, after Sacrifice, asks Him to brings His Sons One by One, and He brings Seven of His. He at starts thinks Eliab, Abinadab and Shammah as Candidates, but God says to Him that None of Them are the Man He selcts, because He looks the Heart rather than Appearances. Samuel then asks Jesse if is there Another Son, and Jesse affirms, saying that He is taking care of sheep. David, that son, is summoned. When David arrives, Samuel knows by God that He was the Chosen One to be Next King; then, Samuel anoints David, and the Lord's spirit comes into David since that Day and Onwards. Samuel, after anointing David, leaves Them and returns Home.

Saul, as a Punishment for His Disobedience, is being tormented by an Evil Spirit. Saul sends for Someone able to plays Well and fights down the Evil Spirit. A Servant affirms to knows Someone who plays the Lyre Very Well, who is David. Saul sends for Him and when David plays the Lyre, the Evil Spirit goes away. Saul converts Him in One of His Armor Bearers.

Time Later, the Philistines comes to invaedes Israel. Also, there is a Powerful, Giant Man called Goliath. They and Israel Army are combatting in the Field of Elah. Goliath appears and challenges Israel's Army to brings Their Best Warrior to confronts Him in a Deadline of Forty Days. Goliath says that if that Best Warrior terrorizes Him, All Philistines will becomes Their Slaves, but if the Best Warrior is taked down in Battles, Israelites will be enslaved. All Insraelites are terrified. In that Days, Goliath doesn't stops insulting Israel and God.

Eliab, Abinadab, Shammah, the Oldest of Jesse's Sons, were sent to the Battles. David was caring the Sheep in that Time. Jesse commands David to gives an ephah of roasted grain and ten loaves of Bread to His Brothers, and Ten Cheeses to the Commander. After arriving and leaving the Supply with the Supply Keeper, He comes to meets His Brothers. He listens to Goliath mocking of Israelites; and gets very angry. When He asks the Men about Goliath's insults, Eliab reprimands David, saying that He is Malicious and He only came here to watches the Battles. David defends Himself complaining about being unable to ask.

When a Man of Saul's Army listens to David and tells Saul about that, Saul calls David. David offers Himself as the "Best Warrior", and Saul tries to dissuade Him. David affirms that, while defending His Father's Sheep, He has killed Lions and Bears, and after says that Goliath is like that Fiery Beasts, because He dismays thearmies of God. Saul lends Him an Armor and wears Him with it, but David takes off it, because He can't use it. instead, He takes a Stick and gathers Five Stones from the Stream to uses with His Sling. When David arrives to faces Goliath, Goliath scoffed because David was Very Young, and says He wasn't a Dog to be beaten by Sticks and He will gives His Flesh to the Sky Birds and Wild Animals. David then tells Him that He [David] goes in the Name of God. After that, Goliath runs towards David, and viceversa.

In this Moments, He takes out One of the Stones He gathers, pits it in the Sling and throws the Stone in Goliath's Forehead, making Him to falls Dead. When Goliath's Lifeless Body is fallen, David finishes His Death and cuts off His Headless Body. When Goliath being Dead and Headless, the Philistines runs off scared.

The Israelites chases the Philistines, while They died One by One in the Sharaaim Road, and manages to disrespects the Philistine Camp. When They returns, David carries Goliath's Headless Body and leads it to Jerusalem. Saul asks Abner about David's Father, but Abner swears He doesn't know; and then David tells Him His Father is Jesse.

Appearance in other media[]

The Greatest Adventure: Stories from the Bible[]

He appears in The Greatest Adventure: Stories from the Bible and debuts in David VS Goliath. He is a Mentor of David.

The Beginner's Bible[]

He appears in The Beginner's Bible and debuts in David VS Goliath. He is One of an Adviser if David.


  • None Notable.




External Links[]
