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Kane also known as Cain is a major character and the tetartagonist from WWE. He is the half-brother of The Undertaker and the son of Paul Bearer in the history.
He is better known for his mischievious grin. He sometimes loses his temper if someone insult his half-brother or his friends for no reason. He first debuts in 1997 when he enters in a conflict with his brother The Undertaker.
Kane is also the secondary antagonist turned supporting protagonist from Scooby-Doo! Wrestlemania Mystery, he was seen entering in a conflict with Scooby-Doo and Shaggy Rogers, but he turns good after he finds out that Cookie is the real antagonist because he has bigger plans than him.
He didn't appeared in the 2016 sequel, so his brother The Undertaker takes the lead role as the main protagonist.
Kane can also become Demon Kane, his demonic alter-ego which he wears a metallic mask on his red mask. He appeared in WWE games as one of the playable characters along with his brother The Undertaker, his actual video game appearence is in WWF Warzone. Kane in WWF didn't talked yet in 1997, but in 1998 and the 2000s, Kane can talk. In WWE shows, he hates Seth Rollins.
Glenn Thomas Jacobs is a Very Large Imposing Brutal Bald Man with a Red Eyes above His Face. He wears a Black Hooded Coat which He wears Draped in front of His Shoulders like a Cape. In His Hybrid Form, His Lifeless Body becomes covered in Black and Red Attire like Demonic Plates and His Eyes glows bloods. If ever in Wild Mode, His Scales sticks out like Knife and His Eyes turns Bricc Red. When He was Younger, He used to have Black Hair.
Kane is a mischievious wrestler who is also scary and he survives from the fire house that costs the life of his mother and The Undertaker's parents, but he is also good, selfless and friendly person who hate bullies who hurt his brother The Undertaker, despite being intimidating, Kane is a gentle, friendly wrestler who is better known for his Chokeslam and Tombstone Piledriver like his brother The Undertaker..
Main Articles: Kane/Galleries.