Kanae Ishida is one of the characters from anime/manga Bleach series. She was a Gemischt Quincy and a former maid in the service of the Ishida family. She later became the wife of Ryuuken Ishida, the daughter-in-law of Souken and Izumi Ishida, and the mother of Uryƫ Ishida.
Katagiri is a young woman with black hair braided in a bun on top of her head and dark eyes, wearing the standard black and white maid outfit. In one picture, after Uryu's birth, Kanae has long, loose hair, a white shirt, and a black skirt.
Katagiri is very calm most of the time, well-mannered, kind and extremely loyal to the Ishida family, especially to Ryƫken, to whom she has sworn allegiance and protection from the first day they met. She is always supportive of Ryƫken, ready to listen to his thoughts and give him advice. When Ryƫken was returning home after Masaki was saved by Isshin, Katagiri confessed to him her deep concern and love for him, stating that when he cries, she cries with him, and seeing him devastated breaks her heart.