Protagonists Wiki

Juliet Fiammata Arst de Capulet, aka Odin, was once the daughter of the Capulet family, the rulers of Neo Verona, but her world changed when the Montagues overthrew her house. She now lives with a small group of rebels who are trying to overthrow Lord Montague. Ordered to hide her gender and avoid recognition, she disguises herself as a young man named Odin. However, unable to bear to see people being hurt by the Montagues, Juliet takes on a third personality, Red Whirlwind, to fight for the people of Neo Verona. She is one of the main protagonists of Romeo x Juliet.

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           Romeo × Juliet logo Heroes

Main Heroes
Juliet Fiamatta Arst de Capulet | Romeo Candore Van de Montague

Major Heroes
Antonio | Benvolio di Frescobaldi | Camillo | Conrad | Cordelia | Curio | Dr. Lancelot | Francisco | Tybalt | Vittorio di Frescobaldi
