Protagonists Wiki

Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; also trust in me.
~ John 14:1-11, Holy Bible NLT.

Jesus of Nazareth (c. 4 BC/BCE - c.30-33 AD/CE), was a historical 1st-century Jewish preacher and the central figure of Christianity, being viewed as the incarnation of God the Son and the Messiah. He is also a major figure in Islam, to which Muslims view him as a highly-renowned prophet and messenger of God (or Allah in Arabic).


Christians and Muslims alike believe Jesus was born of a virgin and performed miracles, including healing the blind, walking on water, and turning water into wine. The Christian belief for Jesus being born to the virgin Mary is the birth being conceived by the Holy Spirit whereas the Muslim belief Mary got impregnated with baby Jesus through orders from God. However, unlike Christians, Muslims believe Jesus was not actually crucified or resurrected three days after his death. Instead, they believe his crucifixion was faked or made to appear like he actually was crucified, and that Jesus was saved by God, who made him ascend to Heaven alive.

Judaism rejects the beliefs that Jesus was God incarnate nor the long-awaited messiah.


She will bear a son, and you shall his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins. All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name "Immanuel” (which means, God with us)
~ Archangel Gabriel to Joseph in Matthew 1:21-23, Holy Bible ESV

. The name Jesus comes from the Greek name Iesous, which is a rendering of the Hebrew name Yeshua which in English would usually be "Joshua". Yeshua, meaning "God saves" or "God is salvation" was a common name for the inhabitants of Judea during Jesus' time.
