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Anti-Hero Overview

Jack (AKA Gunjack, Currently Jack 8), is the Name of a Series, Robots that are Upgraded in Each Main Installment from the Fighting Games Series of Tekken. He has been a Playable Jack Model in Every Main Ongoing Namco Series except for Tekken 4. Prototype Jack is seen as a Seperate to the Main Timeline.

He makes His Debut in Tekken I: 1994 as Jack 1. He also appears in Tekken II as Jack 2, Tekken 3 as Gunjack, Tekken 5 and TKV: Dark Ressurection as Jack 5, Tekken 6 and TKVI: Blood Retribution as Jack 6, Tekken 7 and TK7: Fated Retribution as Jack 7 and Tekken 8 as a Current Jack 8.

He is a Wind Unit and His Canon Debut is in Tekken 1 who first appears as Jack-1 Classic Opposite of The JACKs and is made by Jane. The JACK is also an All times Rival and Anti-Heroic Counterpart of Prototype Jack who is created by Heihachi Mishima Jin Kazama's Grandfather, Jinpachi Mishima's Son.

He is a Close Best Friend Forever of Kazuya Mishima. Ever since He joins Him, He always costs His Rivals the Match against Kazuya by taking down all of the TK Giants such as King II, King I, Armor King II, Armor King I, Craig Marduk, Fahkumram, Ancient Ogre, Gigas, Panda, Kuma II, Kuma I, Nancy and Azazel.


The Jack Robots, throughout Their Many Incarnations, have maintained the Same General Appearance - Humanoid Juggernauts with Bulging Muscles. While Earlier Models looked relatively Human, the later Models have Sectionalized Skin, making Them appears less Human. This is especially apparent in the Jack-7 Model, where a Green Glow radiates from the joins in His Skins. The Most Recognizable Feature of Jack Robots, however, is the Distinctive Head and Face, completes with Trademark Mohawk Hairstyle, shared by All Models of Jack Robots.

"Jack" is the Name given to the Series of Military Robots develops throughout the Tekken Series. While there has been Numerous Versions of Jack Robots, They all follows the Same General Style of Large, Hulking Figures dresses in Military-Style Clothing with an Iconic Mohawk Hairstyle.

Tekken 7 meets the Arrival of a New Jack, Jack-7 an Updated, Stronger Jack creates in Response to the Creation of Another Biological Weapon, Gigas.

Jack-8's Tekken 8 Design is Comparatively More Mechanical than His Previous Main Appearances. He has Steel-Gray Metal Plating around His Shoulders, Arms, Trapezius, and Pectorals, Shaped around the Muscles and mimicking the Organic Form these Muscle Groups would have. The Same Metal Plating forms a Visor around His Eyes with a Single, Horizontal Red Light at the Center, as well as forming a Guard around His Chin and Lower Jaw. Below the Gray Metal plating is Indigo Colored plating around His Midsection, also in the Shape of Abdominal Muscles. Both the Gray and Indigo Armor haves Lines of Red Lights inlaid within. Around His Chest, Jack has a Bandolier holding Gold Cartridges which is connected to a Metal Pack Near the Center of His Back. On His Right Shoulder there is Another Metal Pack with Flexible Metal piping connecting it to the Upper Portion of His Right Pectoral. Underneath where this Pipe Connects are Letters reading "Bocemb" translates to "Eight" in English.


Having been built as a Destructive Killing Machine, Jack Robots are generally Very Aggressive and do not hesitates to takes down Everyone and Everybody else that They ever disrespects and vandalizes Kazuya Mishima.

However, at least One Jack Robots was able to shows Empathy and Compassion, as demonstrated by Jack-2's Reaction to finding Jane. They also seems to possesses the Capacity to be Very Protective of Those with Whom They shares a Close Bond, even going so far as to sacrifices Themselves, as demonstrated by Gun Jack in His Tekken 3 Storyline.

Jack-6's Personality is explored when playing as Him in the Scenario Campaign in Tekken 6, where He is Vocal of His Love of Fighting, Strong Opponents, and Fellow Robots. While He is programmed to understands Longer Words like "Biologicals" (His Name for Humans), He generally has a Very Child-Like Way of thinking and speaking, failing to understands a Lots of what the Other Fighters are saying to Him, and labeling Anything Unknown or Unfamiliar as "Bad".


  • None Notable.


Main Articles: Jack (Tekken)/Galleries.



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