Protagonists Wiki

Giggles the Chipmunk is the tritagonist of Happy Tree Friends. She is a pink female chipmunk with a red bow on her head. She is friends with Lumpy the Moose, Toothy the Beaver, Fifi La Fume and Flaky, as well as best friends with Petunia the Skunk. She also has a romantic relationship with Cuddles. Giggles cares about the environment and dislikes anyone who is cruel and ruthless to it. She is an EPA agent.


Giggles is a pink female chipmunk who has a white diamond-shaped marking on her face, a white belly marking on her torso, and wears a big red bow on her head. Her human counterpart depicted her as a Caucasian girl with pink hair, peach-colored skin tone, and light blue eyes and is primarily dressed in pink short-sleeved buttoned dress, pink skirt, white stockings, and pink shoes. In contrast to her chipmunk counterpart, her human counterpart lack of buckteeth.


She has the personality of a young Caucasian girl, as she enjoys frolicking through flowers, having tea parties with Petunia, ice skating, and has a sweet demeanor. Her name comes from her habit of giggling often. Giggles is one of the primary characters and the only female of the four. She may have also been one of the first characters to be created, along with Cuddles and Shifty. She appears to be allergic to roses, which is revealed in her Valentines Smoochie.

In the episode "Every Litter Bit Hurts", Giggles is shown to be an environmentalist, as she constantly gets mad at Lumpy for doing things that harms the environment, such as dumping the trash in his garbage truck into a lake, tossing dynamite into the lake to catch fish, and cutting down a tree just to make a toothpick.

She is also considered to be a damsel in distress. When she is in trouble, Splendid the Flying Squirrel usually comes to the rescue, but injures or kills her in the process. For example, in "From Hero to Eternity", Splendid explodes Cuddles and ruptures Giggles' eardrums. In another example, he accidentally decapitates her in "Helping Helps" when her head slammed into a tree branch, while Splendid tried to rescue her from a flood. But on occasion, she can act as the hero, as seen in "Dunce Upon a Time", where she tries but fails to rescue the other characters from a gruesome fate and ends up killing Lumpy the Giant.


Giggles is a very affectionate character and is often seen hugging, kissing, and playing with the other characters. However, she does not really seem to be compatible with Disco Bear, as she hates when he constantly hits on her, though not as much as Petunia. She very well could be the most popular character amongst the tree friends as she gets along with almost every character, with a few obvious exceptions like Lifty and Shifty. She is best friends with Petunia, as they are often seen around each other in numerous episodes. They are also one of the few friendships who are never once appear to dislike or be even slightly annoyed by each other.
