Protagonists Wiki
Hero Overview

Narrator: Here comes someone who'll put a smile back on your face. Take a look, Pocoyo. It's your friend... Hmm, can any of you tell Pocoyo which one of his friends is coming?
Kids: It's Octopus! Octopus.
Narrator: Yes, that's right. Hello, Octopus. I'm afraid Pocoyo is feeling a bit unhappy, Octopus. Can you help?
~ Narrator asking the kids who is coming which revealed Fred the Octopus as the latter to cheer Pocoyo up.

Fred the Octopus sometimes known as Octopus, is a supporting character in the Pocoyo franchise.


Fred is a red octopus with white eyes with black pupils. Despite being called an octopus, his mouth is not sctructed akin to a beak akin to a real octopus, and he has only four tentacles.


Being hyperactive, Fred is known for his wackness. He is the kind Octopus that loves making his friends laugh out their worries away.

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           PocoyoTitle.svg Heroes

Pocoyo | Pato | Elly the Elephant | Loula | Sleepy Bird | Baby Bird | Caterpillar | Fred | Whale | Spider | Roberto | Nina | Yanko | The Narrator
