Protagonists Wiki

Filthy Rich is a male earth pony who is the father of Diamond Tiara, the grandson of Stinkin' Rich and the husband of Spoiled Rich. He is introduced in the episode Family Appreciation Day. His name is based on the phrase filthy rich, referring to someone very wealthy. He was voiced by Brian Drummond, who also voiced Mr. Cake, Double Diamond, Mosely Orange, Dr. Horse, Seabreeze, Noteworthy, Caramel, Lucky Clover, Doctor Hooves, Ahuizolt, and Sheriff Silver Star in the same series and Shinobu Matsumoto in the Japanese dub.


According to Granny Smith's tale in Family Appreciation Day, his paternal grandfather, Stinkin' Rich' (Spoiled Rich's grandfather-in-law and Diamond Tiara's paternal great-grandmother), was one of the first ponies to buy Granny Smith's zap apple jam, and started a business by reselling it. In the same episode, it was told that this had helped contribute to the foundation of Ponyville. In the same episode, Filthy Rich appears at Sweet Apple Acres to politely confirm he will receive the first one hundred jars of zap apple jam from Granny Smith, "as usual". As they walk off-screen, Granny Smith asks him how his father (Spoiled Rich's father-in-law and Diamond Tiara's paternal grandfather) is doing. He is later seen giving a presentation about "Rich's Barnyard Bargains" to Apple Bloom's class that bores most of the class to sleep except for Twist and Diamond Tiara. He is again seen at the end of the episode sternly pushing a reluctant Diamond Tiara to Sweet Apple Acres to help other fillies sing to the water in the watering cans, part of Granny Smith's special process of making zap apple jam. Despite being a rich business pony and his daughter's mean spirit, Filthy is amicable to Apple Bloom, Granny Smith and every pony else. When Granny Smith calls him by his first name, he explains that he prefers "Rich". Cheerilee initially calls him "Mr. Filthy"; after he looks chidingly at her she immediately corrects herself, and he regains his usual easy going and calm appearance. In "Pinkie Pride", Diamond Tiara refers to him in the song "Pinkie the Party Planner". Filthy Rich appears in "Testing Testing 1, 2, 3" as Rainbow Dash depressingly flies over him as he buys a whole crate of apples from Big Macintosh. Filthy Rich appears in "Inspiration Manifestation" next to his daughter Diamond Tiara at the fair.


  • Unnamed parents
  • Stinkin' Rich (paternal grandfather)
  • Unnamed paternal grandmother
  • Spoiled Rich (wife)
  • Diamond Tiara (daughter)