Elena Validus is an anti-heroic antagonist and the supporting ally of the Ben 10 franchise, she's one of Ben's love interests.
In Alien Swarm, Elena had medium-length black hair and black eyes with long eyelashes. For most of the film, she wore a red leather jacket over a black shirt, black leather pants and black heels. Her lips were bright red as she was out with Ben, Gwen, and Kevin.
In Ultimate Alien, Elena wore a black V-neck mini dress and matching flats.
In Omniverse, Elena wore the same clothes as Alien Swarm, but her hair and eyes were both recolored brown, her skin tone was darker, and she wore black fingerless gloves.
In her microchip state, Elena has her tall, dark skin with light blue circuit lines all over her body, her pupilless white eyes, blue face, and four long spikes along the sides of her head.
Elena has a antagonistic personality, and is portrayed as deceitful, hostile, and distrustful. However, she is also loyal and loving towards those she cares about, especially her father. She is comfortable lying if it means furthering her own ulterior motives.
In Ultimate Alien, she became intensely jealous and immature, as seen when Gwen, Kevin, and Julie attacked her simply for standing between her and Ben. Also, considering she lied to Ben about the microchip and its origin, she became even more dishonest. It is implied that she experienced a lot of grief due to her father's death. After her second defeat at the hands of Ben, her obsessive personality turned to hate.
As of Omniverse, Elena wasn't a villain as the microchip has separated from her.