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Anti-Hero Overview

Adam Joseph "Edge" Copeland is One of the Supporting Protagonist from the Television Series direct to show of WWE who joins His Best Friend Forever, Christian. He takes down Randy Orton after He unleashes to punches Him, gets mad and battles Matt Hardy and assaults His lover, Beth Phoenix.

He was used to be the Leader of Judgement Days until the New Member of Rhea Ripley and Damian Priest, Finn Balor gets very angry Him for NO Reasons. In Current Timeline, Edge also forms a Groups with His own Lover, Beth, Rey Mysterio and His Son, Dominik to ends the Judgements.

He was portrayed by Himself, only.


The Edge is a Big Muscular Guy with Blonde Long Hair and Facials. He wears a Black Elbow, Armpads and Pants and wearing a Red Shoes and Belt. In Alternate Costume, He is seen wearing a Black Sleeve Shirt, Vest, Pants and Shoes.

In the Early days of WWE, He has no Facials until then. He has a Wrestling Costume with Black and White Outfits. Adam Copeland also has a Spikey Hair and is seen wearing a Blue Shirt, Denim Pants and White Shoes and Belt.

In Judgement Days Series, He wears a Black Costumes which is Sleeve Shirt, Tuxedo Jacket, Belt, Pants and Shoes and can varies All of His Color Costumes such as Dark Blue, Purple and Violet in the Sleeve Shirt, Belt and Shoes before His Hair gets Shorter.

After He gets kicked out of the Judgements, He upgrades His new looks as a Demonic Costumes which would be a Red Jacket, Belt and Shoes and it would be the Same Color of Judgements as of Pants but except for His New Clothes of T-Shirt and Gloves.


Original Timeline[]


He is an Egoistical, Hot Headed, Wrathful, Xenophobe and Psychopath and He was described as the Feral Wrestler who eats a lots all of the People after being turned into a Berserking Warrior. He has been recently turned Face in USA.

In Face Turns, He loves being friends with John Felix Anthony Cena who has a Virtues inside the Body and has the Good Quality in orders to takes down Randy Orton, Batista, The Undertaker, Kane, Brock Lesnar and Braun Strowman.

He also bullies all of the Wrestlers after He turns Heel, the Edge became Bloodthirsty, Animal Cruelty and Taker down of Innocent People. He cares about leading the Cults in orders to fights and attacks Everyone who gets in His ways.

Current Timeline[]


He returns in Royal Rumble, 2020 where He helps Randall Keith Orton until He unleashes a Chair assault on Him that He ever returns in WWE. He goes wild and battles Him, including MVP where this is His Favorite Catchphrase, "THIS IS U, Randy!!!!!" then takes down Him.


He turns Heel and gets very angry AJ Styles for His recent Face turns where All of the Fans remembers His Old Self due to Him as a Protagonist in 2016 and as a result where His Former Official Employee, Omos goes wild Him for His Failure in Current Timeline. He also takes down Him for His Recent Behavior.

He is used to be the Leader of Judgement Days until Finn Balor the New Member of Damian Priest and Rhea Ripley gets very angry and battles Him for DUMB Reasons. Currently, The Edge also teams up with Rey Mysterio, Dominik Mysterio and Beth to ends Judgements.

Alongside with Rey, The Edge Copeland continues to cure brings Dominik back to Normal after lying and betraying Both of Them, He gets Ego washed by Judgements. With Him and His Lover, Beth Phoenix, He is Thinking Highly about imploding His own Former Teams.

He manages to bring back Rey's Son to His senses just until He quits to Judgements but after that, instead of moving out, Rhea Ripley takes down and collects His own Lover, Beth in front of Him, Thus tearing over Her Injuries. He might soon shocks Her, Luis Martinez and Bálor once again.


Main Articles: Edge/Galleries.


He has a Best Friend Forever named Christian Cage Lover of Trish Stratus.

He is Originally going to stays Himself as the Boss of the New Member of Rhea Ripley and Luis Martinez, Finn Balor until He gets kicked out of the Judgements for NO Reasons at all.

  • According to Triple H replacing Mr. Vince McMahon, there has been a Mysterious Wrestler coming in the SummerSlam 2022, but it's revealed that He returns helping and supporting Rey and His own Son, Dominik against the Judgements, Thus has a Lover named Beth Phoenix which would be the Female Rival of Rhea.

His Friend is John Cena Fiancee of Brie Bella's Twin Sister Nikki Bella and Best Friend Forever of Daniel Bryan.

He vows Himself to seeks some of the More Vengeances after that, He might gets rid of Judgements for collecting Beth in orders to cure brings Rey's Son to His senses to Judgement Days would break up.

The Edge Copeland was never a Villain, He has been getting brainwashed by the Judgement Days.

External Links[]
