Protagonists Wiki
Doll S1E3

Doll is a central protagonist in the YouTube animated Glitch series, Murder Drones, serving as a minor character in the Pilot and Episode 2: Heartbeat, the main protagonist but still antagonist of Episode 3: The Promening, and the overarching protagonist/antagonist of Episodes 4: Cabin Fever.

           Liam Vickers banner Heroes

Let's Split Up
Klied | Di | Whiskers | Wyatt | Disk | Keri

Waylon | Cordie | Jo

Internecion Cube
Max | IC-0n | Kirie Bonin

Murder Drones
Uzi Doorman | N | V | Tessa Elliott

            Murder Drones logo Heroes

Disassembly Drones
N | V | J

Worker Drones
Uzi Doorman | Thad | Lizzy | Doll | Khan Doorman | Nori Doorman | Yeva | Sarah | Cyn | The Teacher | Ron | Darren & Rebecca


Tessa Elliott | Mitchell | Dr. Chambers | Dr. Ridley

           Glitch Productions logo Heroes

Meta Runner
MD-5 (Tari | Belle Fontiere | Masa Shimamoto | Lamar Williams | Sofia Porter | Lucinia Porter) | Theo | Marco

Murder Drones
Uzi Doorman | N | V | J | Khan Doorman | Nori Doorman | Yeva | Thad | Lizzy | Doll | Rebecca | Cyn | Sarah | Dr. Chambers | Uzi's Teacher | Darren | Tessa Elliott

The Amazing Digital Circus
Pomni | Caine | Bubble | Gangle | Zooble | Kinger | Ragatha | Jax | Kaufmo | Queenie | Gummigoo | Max | Chad | Princess Loolilalu

Sunset Paradise
Meggy Spletzer | Auri Bori | Aloysius Bori | Desti | Boyfriend | Mayora Bora

           SMG4 logo Heroes

Murder Drones
Uzi Doorman | Doll | Lizzy | N | V | J | Khan Doorman | Nori Doorman | Cyn | Thad

The Amazing Digital Circus
Pomni| Caine | Jax | Kinger | Gangle | Zooble |

Sunset Paradise
Meggy Spletzer

Meta Runner
Tari | Theo
