Devil Jin is a major antagonist and the anti-hero in the Tekken franchise and the dark counterpart of Jin , Jin has almost become a demon after being influenced by the Devil Gene and end up being gone berserk to cause the destruction.
Extended Links [ ]
Navigation [ ]
Playable Heroes
Alex |
Alph |
Banjo & Kazooie |
Bayonetta |
Bowser |
Bowser Jr. |
Byleth |
Captain Falcon |
Chrom |
Cloud Strife |
Corrin |
Dark Pit |
Diddy Kong |
Donkey Kong |
Dr. Mario |
Duck Hunt |
Eight |
Erdrick |
Falco Lombardi |
Fox McCloud |
Greninja |
Ice Climbers |
Ike |
Incineroar |
Inklings |
Isabelle |
Jigglypuff |
Joker |
Ken Masters |
King Dedede |
Kirby |
Link (Hero of Time | Hero of Twilight | Hero of Wilds ) |
Little Mac |
Lucario |
Lucas |
Lucina |
Luigi |
Luminary |
Mario |
Marth |
Mega Man |
Meta Knight |
Mewtwo |
Mii |
Min Min |
Mr. Game & Watch |
Mythra |
Ness |
Byleth Eisner |
Olimar (Pikmin ) |
Pac-Man |
Palutena |
Pichu |
Pikachu |
Pit |
Pokémon Trainer (Red | Leaf ) (Charizard | Ivysaur | Squirtle ) |
Princess Daisy |
Princess Peach |
Princess Zelda/Sheik (Ocarina of Time | Twilight Princess | A Link Between Worlds ) |
Pyra |
Richter Belmont |
R.O.B. |
Robin |
Rosalina & Luma |
Roy |
Ryu |
Samus Aran/Zero Suit Samus |
Shulk |
Simon Belmont |
Solid Snake |
Sonic the Hedgehog |
Sora |
The Hero |
Steve |
Terry Bogard |
Toon Link |
Villager |
Wario |
Wii Fit Trainer |
Yoshis (Yoshi | Blue Yoshi | Light Blue Yoshi | Yellow Yoshi | Pink Yoshi | Purple Yoshi | Red Yoshi | Black Yoshi ) |
Young Link
Assist Trophies
Akira Yuki |
Alucard |
Ashley |
Chef Kawasaki |
Dillon |
Elec Man |
Gray Fox |
Guile |
Isaac |
Isabelle |
Jeff Andonuts |
Jill |
Kat and Ana |
Knuckle Joe |
Knuckles the Echidna |
Krystal |
Lakitu |
Little Mac |
Lyndis |
Magnus |
Midna |
Phosphora |
Prince of Sablé |
Ray MK III |
Riki |
Rodin |
Saki Amamiya |
Samurai Goroh |
Shadow the Hedgehog |
Sheriff |
Shovel Knight |
Spring Man |
Squid Sisters |
Starfy |
Sukapon |
Takamaru |
Tiki |
Tingle |
Waluigi |
White Bomberman |
Yuri Kozukata |
Poké Ball Pokémon
Arceus |
Alolan Raichu |
Alolan Vulpix |
Blastoise |
Celebi |
Chansey |
Charizard |
Chespin |
Chikorita |
Clefairy |
Cyndaquil |
Darkrai |
Dedenne |
Deoxys |
Ditto |
Eevee |
Entei |
Fennekin |
Gardevoir |
Genesect |
Giratina |
Gogoat |
Groudon |
Ho-Oh |
Inkay |
Keldeo |
Kyogre |
Kyurem |
Latias and Latios |
Lugia |
Lunala |
Machamp |
Marill |
Meloetta |
Meowth |
Metagross |
Mew |
Munchlax |
Oshawott |
Palkia |
Piplup |
Raikou |
Scizor |
Snivy |
Snorlax |
Solgaleo |
Suicune |
Tapu Koko |
Venusaur |
Vulpix |
Xerneas |
5-Volt |
9-Volt |
18-Volt |
Absol |
Adam Malkovich |
Adelle |
Aeron |
Agitha |
Aisya |
Akuma |
Alexandra Roivas |
Alfonzo |
Alfyn Greengrass |
Allen |
Alm |
Amy Rose |
Ana |
Andy |
Andy Bogard |
Angela |
Anjean |
Ann Takamaki |
Anna |
Aerith Gainsborough |
Aqua |
Armor King II |
Arthur |
Aryll |
Ashei |
Ashley Robbins |
Asuka Kazama |
Athena Asamiya |
Auto |
Axel |
Axl |
Ayumi Tachibana |
Azura |
Baby Luigi |
Baby Luma |
Baby Mario |
Baby Peach |
Bandana Waddle Dee |
Barbara |
Barret Wallace |
Barkle |
Barst |
Bass |
Beat |
Big Boss |
Big the Cat |
Blade Knight |
Blanka |
Blaze the Cat |
Blaziken |
Bord |
Bomb Man |
Boney |
Bonkers |
Bottles |
Bow |
Brittany |
Brocque Mosieur |
Broom Hatter |
Bubbles |
Bugzzy |
Bulbasaur |
Buneary |
Buzz Buzz |
Byrne |
Byte and Barq |
Caeda |
Cait Sith |
Calem |
Calista |
Camilla |
Cammy White |
Candy Kong |
Cap'n Cuttlefish |
Cappy |
Captain (Another Code) |
Captain (Mii Force) |
Captain Rainbow |
Captain Toad |
Caroline and Justine |
Catria |
Celica |
Centurions |
Cetacea |
Chao (Sonic the Hedgehog) |
Chao (Yuyuki) |
Charlie |
Charlie Nash |
Charlotte |
Charlotte Aulin |
Charmander |
Charmy Bee |
Cheese |
Chibi-Robo |
Chris Redfield |
ChuChu |
Chun-Li |
Chunky Kong |
Ciela |
Cid Highwind |
Clark Still |
Classic Sonic |
Claude von Riegan |
Claus |
Cobalion |
Cody Travers |
Colin |
Commander |
Coo |
Copper and Booker |
Cord |
Cordelia |
Count Bleck |
Cranky Kong |
Cream the Rabbit |
Cresselia |
Crimson Loftwing |
Culdra |
Cuphead |
Cupit |
Cut Man |
Cyrus Albright |
Dan Hibiki |
Daroach |
Daruk |
Darunia |
Dash Bowman |
Dee Jay |
Deep Cut (Shiver | Frye | Big Man ) |
Devil Jin |
Deirdre |
DeMille |
Dhalsim |
Dialga |
Dieck |
Diminutive Guardian |
Dimitri |
Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd |
Din |
Diskun |
Dixie Kong |
Doc Louis |
Donbe |
Donkey Kong Jr. |
Dorothea Arnault |
Doshin |
Dr. Crygor |
Dr. Light |
Dr. Stewart |
Dragonite |
Drake Redcrest |
Draug |
Dreambert |
Dribble and Spitz |
Dunban |
Duo |
Duran |
Duster |
Dyna Blade |
Dyntos |
E. Honda |
E-102 Gamma |
E-123 Omega |
Eagle |
Eddie |
Eddy |
Edelgard von Hresvelg |
Eirika |
Eldstar |
Elena |
Elias |
Elincia |
Elise |
Elite Beat Agents |
Eliwood |
Ellie the Elephant |
Elline |
Elma |
Elvis |
Emerl |
Enguarde the Swordfish |
Ephraim |
Epona |
Erik |
Esna |
Espio the Chameleon |
Est |
Eva |
Expresso the Ostrich |
Ezlo |
F.L.U.D.D. |
Fei Long |
Felix |
Fi |
Fiora |
Fire Man |
Fishmen |
Flint |
Flygon |
Flying Men |
Four Giants |
Frey |
Freya |
Fronks |
Funky Kong |
Futaba Sakura |
Gabriel Belmont |
Gaepora |
Gaius |
Gandrayda |
Garchomp |
Garet |
Gen |
General Pepper |
Geno |
Geo Stelar |
Glaceon |
Globox |
Gloria |
Goku |
Gyarados |
Golem |
Gooey |
Goombella |
Goro Akechi |
Goron |
Great Fairy |
Greil |
Groose |
Grutch |
Guts Man |
Guy |
H'aanit |
Hakkun |
Hal "Otacon" Emmerich |
Haohmaru |
Happy Mask Salesman |
Haru Okumura |
Hawke |
Hawkeye |
Hector (Castlevania) |
Hector (Fire Emblem) |
Helix |
Hendrik |
Henry Fleming |
Heracles |
Heracross |
Herman |
Hikari |
Hilda Valentine Goneril |
Hinawa |
Hinoka |
Ho-Oh |
Honey Queen |
Hongo |
Huey |
Hugh Baldwin |
Hydreigon |
Hungry Luma |
Hydreigon |
Ibuki |
Ice Man |
Idea |
Ifrit |
Igor |
Ilia |
Impa (Age of Calamity | Ocarina of Time | Skyward Sword ) |
Ingrid Brandl Galatea |
Inigo |
Iori Yagami |
Iris Archwell |
Iron Golem |
Isa Jo |
Ivan |
Jack-7 |
Jade |
Jagen |
Jake |
Jakob |
James McCloud |
Jeanne |
Jenna |
Jessica |
Jet the Hawk |
Jill Valentine |
Jimmy T. |
Jin |
Jin Kazama |
Jinjo |
Jody Summer |
Joe Higashi |
Jonathan Morris |
Joshua |
Julius Belmont |
Juri Han |
Juste Belmont |
Kaepora Gaebora |
Kafei |
Kageshima Kurabe |
Kairi |
Karel |
Karin Kanzuki |
Kazuhira Miller |
Kersti |
Kevin |
Kid Dracula |
Kiddy Kong |
Kim Kaphwan |
Kine |
King |
King Zora |
Kooper |
Kumatora |
Kunio |
Kururin |
Kyle Hyde |
Kyo Kusanagi |
L'Arachel |
Landia |
Landorus |
Lanky Kong |
Lappy |
Leafeon |
Leif |
Leo |
Leon Belmont |
Leon S. Kennedy |
Levias |
Lilina |
Lin Lee Koo |
Linde |
Linebeck |
Ling Xiaoyu |
Link (A Link Between Worlds | Link's Awakening | Spirit Tracks | The Legend of Zelda) ) |
Lip |
Lissa |
Lloyd |
Loftwings |
Loki |
Lon'qu |
Louie |
Lubba |
Luka Redgrave |
Mach Rider |
Madame Couture |
Madeline Bergman |
Magolor |
Makar |
Makoto Niijima |
Mallo |
Mallow |
Malon |
Maria Renard |
Marin |
Marshall Law |
Master Mummy |
Mattel |
Matthew |
Max |
Mechanica |
Medli |
Mega Man Volnutt |
Mega Man X |
MegaMan.EXE |
Mei Ling |
Melia Antiqua |
Mermaid |
Merric |
Meryl Silverburgh |
Mia |
Micaiah |
Milly |
Minerva |
Mini Mario |
Mio |
Mio & Mayu Amakura |
Mipha |
Misstar |
Mist |
Misty |
Moe |
Mokka |
Mona |
Moosh |
Morag Ladir |
Morgana |
Muddy Mole |
Mugman |
Mumbo Jumbo |
Musashi |
Muskular |
Myrrh |
Nago |
Nakoruru |
Naomi Hunter |
Nathan Graves |
Navarre |
Nayru |
Nia |
Nibbles |
Nina Williams |
Ninian |
Ninjara |
Nino |
Ninten |
Noah |
Nyna |
Oatchi |
Octoling Girl & Octoling Boy |
Off the Hook |
Olaf |
Olberic Eisenberg |
Old Man Lobber |
Olivia |
Omega-Xis |
Ooccoo |
Ophilia Clement |
Orbulon |
Orville |
Ouendan |
Owain |
Owl |
Owlan |
Palla |
Paper Bowser |
Paper Luigi |
Paper Mario |
Paper Princess Peach |
Parasol Waddle Dee |
Paul Phoenix |
Paula Jones |
Pauline |
Paz Ortega Andrade |
Penny Crygor |
Peppy Hare |
Perry |
Phantom Thieves of Hearts |
Piantas |
Pitch |
Plague Knight |
Plasma Wisp |
Plessie |
Pneuma |
Polterpup |
Poo |
Poochy |
Poppi |
Poppy Bros. Jr. |
Primrose Azelhart |
Prince Fluff |
Prince Peasley |
Prince Richard |
Princess Shokora |
Princess Zelda (A Link to the Past | Breath of the Wild | Minish Cap | Spirit Tracks | The Wind Waker ) |
Professor Chops |
Professor Elvin Gladd |
Professor Oak |
Professor Sycamore |
Protagonist (Astral Chain) |
Protagonist (Glory of Heracles) |
Protagonist (Magical Vacation) |
Proto Man |
ProtoMan.EXE |
Qbby |
Rab |
Rabbid Mario |
Rabbid Peach |
Rachel |
Raiden |
Ralf Jones |
Rambi the Rhinoceros |
Rattly the Rattlesnake |
Rauru |
Raven |
Ravio |
Rayman |
Raymond Bryce |
Red XIII |
Registeel |
Reinhardt Schneider |
Reshiram |
Revali |
Rex |
Reyn |
Rhea |
Ribbon Girl |
Rick |
Ricky |
Riesz |
Riki |
Riku |
Ring Fit Trainee |
Riolu |
ROB 64 |
Rock Pikmin |
Rocky |
Roll |
Roll Caskett |
Rosemary |
Rouge the Bat |
Rowlet |
Roxas |
Roy Campbell |
Rush |
Rusl |
Russ |
Rutger |
Ruto |
Ryo Sakazaki |
Ryoma |
Ryuji Sakamoto |
Sagat |
Sagi |
Sakuna |
Sakura |
Sakura Kasugano |
Sakura Samurai |
Salsa |
Sami |
Saria |
Satoru Amatsubo |
Satoru Higashiyama |
Seiuchi-kun |
Seliph |
Serena (Dragon Quest) |
Serena (Pokémon) |
Seteth |
Seth |
Severa |
Shahra |
Shanoa |
Shantae |
Sharla |
Shaymin |
Sheldon |
Shield Knight |
Shinobu |
Shiva |
Sigurd |
Silver the Hedgehog |
Sir Kibble |
Sirius |
Skarmory |
Slippy Toad |
Soma Cruz |
Sophia |
Soren |
Sothe |
Sothis |
Spirit Who Loves Surprises |
Sprixie Princesses |
Squawks the Parrot |
Squitter the Spider |
Stanley |
Starlow |
Starly |
Storm the Albatross |
Strangelove |
Stuffwell |
Susie Haltmann |
Swanky Kong |
Sylvando |
Sylveon |
T. Hawk |
Tac |
Tails |
Takumi |
Tama |
Tamagon |
Tatsu |
Tauros |
Teddy |
Tempo |
Terra |
Terrakion |
Tethu |
Tharja |
The Boss |
The King of Red Lions |
The Mighty Jinjonator |
The President |
The Stork |
The Wandering Samurai |
Therion |
Tifa Lockhart |
Tikal the Echidna |
Tiny Kong |
Tippi |
Titania |
Toad |
Toadette |
Toadsworth |
Tomatrio |
Tora |
Totodile |
Totem Link |
Travis Touchdown |
Treble |
Tressa Colzione |
Trevor Belmont |
Tricky |
Tron Bonne |
Tsubasa Oribe |
Twintelle |
Tyranitar |
Urbosa |
Valoo |
Vector the Crocodile |
Ventus |
Veronica |
Villagers (Minecraft) |
Vincent Valentine |
Viridi |
Virizion |
Vivian |
Waddle Dee |
Waddle Doo |
Wanda |
Wave the Swallow |
Welt Neugia |
Wentworth |
Wheelie |
Winky the Frog |
Wonder-Black |
Wonder-Blue |
Wonder-Green |
Wonder-Pink |
Wonder-Red |
Wonder-White |
Wonder-Yellow |
Wrinkly Kong |
Wrys |
Xananab |
Xander |
Xion |
Yang |
Yoko Belnades |
Yoshi Kid |
Yoshimitsu |
Young Cricket |
Yuffie Kisaragi |
Yun |
Yusuke Kitagawa |
Zael |
Zagreus |
Zangief |
Zeke von Genbu |
Zekrom |
Zelda (Spirit Tracks) |
Zip |
Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad |
Blue Mary |
Chang Koehan |
Chocobos |
Choi Bounge |
Dante |
Doomslayer |
Dragonborn |
Gil |
Goemon |
Goro Daimon |
Guardians of Light |
Jacky Bryant |
King |
Master Hand |
Lloyd Irving |
Rabbid |
Rock Howard |
Saïx |
Sans |
Tung Fu Rue |
Yu Narukami |
Yuri Sakazaki
Major Heroes
Ash Crimson |
Athena Asamiya |
Chizuru Kagura |
Elisabeth Blanctorche |
Iori Yagami |
Isla |
K' |
Kula Diamond |
Kyo Kusanagi |
Rock Howard |
Shun'ei |
Terry Bogard
Other Heroes
Adelheid Bernstein |
Alice Garnet Nakata |
Andy Bogard |
Ángel |
Antonov |
Aoi Kusanagi |
Bandeiras Hattori |
Bao |
Benimaru Nikaido |
Blue Mary |
Bonne Jenet |
Brian Battler |
Chang Koehan |
Chin Gentsai |
Choi Bounge |
Clark Still |
Darli Dagger |
Dolores |
Duck King |
Duke Edwards |
Duo Lon |
Fio Germi |
Foxy |
Gai Tendo |
Gang-il |
Gato |
Goro Daimon |
Hanzo Hattori |
Haohmaru |
Heavy D! |
Heidern |
Hinako Shijou |
Hotaru Futaba |
Hwa Jai |
Jhun Hoon |
Joe Higashi |
Junko Sendo |
Kasumi Todoh |
Keisuke Sendo |
Kim Kaphwan |
Kim Sue Il |
King |
Krohnen McDougall |
Kukri |
Kusanagi |
Kyoji Sendo |
Leona Heidern |
Li Xiangfei |
Lilly Kane |
Lin |
Lucky Glauber |
Love Heart |
Luong |
Mai Shiranui |
Makoto Mizoguchi |
Malin |
Maxima |
May Lee |
Meitenkun |
Mian |
Momoko |
Mui Mui |
Najd |
Nakoruru |
Nelson |
Oswald |
Raiden |
Ralf Jones |
Ramón |
Richard Meyer |
Robert Garcia |
Rock Howard |
Ryo Sakazaki |
Saisyu Kusanagi |
Seth |
Shen Woo |
Shingo Yabuki |
Shizuka Kusanagi |
Sho Hayate |
Sie Kensou |
Souji Kusanagi |
Sylvie Paula Paula |
Syota Sendo |
Takuma Sakazaki |
Tizoc |
Tung Fu Rue |
Vanessa |
Whip |
Yuri Sakazaki |
Guest Characters/Crossover Characters
Akira Yuki |
Akuma |
Alisa Bosconovitch |
Armor King II |
Ban |
Baiken |
Becky Lynch |
Cammy White |
Cassandra Alexandra |
Charlotte Christine de Colde |
Chun-Li |
Dellons |
Devil Jin |
Diane |
Dizzy |
Eileene |
Elizabeth |
Elizabeth Liones |
Genjuro Kibagami |
Gintoki Sakata |
Guile |
Honoka |
Hwoarang |
Ivy Valentine |
Jin Kazama |
Juri Han |
Kagura |
Kazuya Mishima |
Kamui |
Ken Masters |
King |
Katsura Kotarou |
Kofi Kingston |
Kondou Isao |
Haohmaru |
Heihachi Mishima |
Hijikata Toshiro |
Jacky Bryant |
Jamie Siu |
Jeanne D'Arc |
John Cena |
Kasumi |
Ling Xiaoyu |
Luke Sullivan |
Marie Rose |
May |
Meliodas |
Merlin |
Nina Williams |
Nyotengu |
Okita Sougo |
Pai Chan |
Paul Phoenix |
Rachel Agni |
Ramlethal Valentine |
Rimururu |
Ruby |
Ryu |
Sarah Bryant |
Seong Mi-Na |
Seth Rollins |
Shane |
Skullomania |
Sol Badguy |
Takasugi Shinsuke |
Taki |
The Rock |
The Undertaker |
Thief Arthur |
Ukyo Tachibana
Alba Meira |
Angelina |
Candy Diamond |
Chae Lim |
Cutie Terry |
Diana |
Jun Kagami |
Kang Bae Dal |
Kaoru Watabe |
Lien Neville |
Luise Meyrink |
Mignon Beart |
Miu Kurosaki |
Moe Habana |
Nagase |
Nameless |
Ninon Beart |
Reiji Oogami |
Soiree Meira |
Xiao Lon |
Main Heroes
Siegfried Schtauffen |
Sophitia Alexandra |
Heishiro Mitsurugi |
Taki |
Kilik |
Chai Xianghua |
Patroklos Alexander |
Pyrrha Alexandra |
Soul Calibur
Secondary Heroes
Maxi |
Cassandra Alexandra |
Edge Master |
Yoshimitsu |
Ivy Valentine |
Seong Mi-Na |
Talim |
Setsuka |
Zasalamel |
Amy Sorel |
Hildegard von Krone |
Z.W.E.I |
Viola |
Leixia |
Natsu |
Xiba |
Hwang Seong-gyeong |
Protagonist (Libra of Souls)
Groups and Organizations
Schwarzwind Knight |
Aval Organization
Guest Characters
Spawn |
Link |
Yoda |
Darth Vader |
Galen Marek |
Kratos |
Lloyd Irving |
Ezio Auditore da Firenze |
Jin Kazama (Devil Jin ) |
Heihachi Mishima |
Geralt of Rivia |
2B |
Big Daddy |
Dante |
Cole MacGrath |
Emmett Graves |
Fat Princess |
Heihachi Mishima |
Isaac Clarke |
Kat & Dusty |
Kratos |
Jak & Daxter |
Nathan Drake |
Nariko |
PaRappa |
Raiden |
Ratchet & Clank |
Sackboy |
Sir Daniel Fortesque |
Sly Cooper |
Spike |
Toro Inoue |
Carmelita Fox |
Buzz |
Dollface |
Hades |
Patapon |
Songbird |
Alister Azimuth |
Ashelin Praxis |
Athena |
Captain Qwark |
Carmelita Fox |
Chloe Frazer |
Curtis the Panda |
Elena Fisher |
Eucadian Soldier |
Hades |
Instructor Mooselini |
Jasmine |
John Carver |
Kai |
Kat |
Keria Hegai |
Kiya |
Kuro |
Lil |
Little Sister |
Lucy Kuo |
Murray |
Nathan the Koala |
Pierre Yamamoto |
PJ Berri |
Poseidon |
Preacher |
Raven |
Ricardo Velasquez |
Sackbots |
Samuel Rodrigues |
Syd |
Sydney Cutter |
Tag |
The Professor |
Victor Sullivan |
Villagers |
Yunica |
Zeke Jedediah Dunbar |
Aki |
Armor King II |
Avalon Centrifuge |
Beard Burger Master |
Bentley |
Boxxy Boy |
Clive Handforth |
Dante |
Chop Chop Master Onion |
Eddy Gordo |
Gade |
General Potter |
Hairdresser Octopus |
Jin Kazama (Devil Jin ) |
Jinpachi Mishima |
Katy Kat |
King |
Lady |
Lammy |
Larry Da Vinci |
Ling Xiaoyu |
Lucia |
Marshall Law |
MC King Kong Mushi |
Miguel Caballero Rojo |
Milton Finch |
Mokujin |
Monroe Finch |
Natalie |
Nathan Hale |
Nero |
Nina Williams |
Pecker |
R. Suzuki |
Raven |
Ricky |
Salim |
Samos Hegai |
Sebastian Wolfe |
Sergai Dragunov |
Sparda |
Sunny Funny |