Protagonists Wiki

Delphine is the White Aquitar Ranger, and the leader of the Alien Rangers. She is an Aquitian that requires waters of Aquitar in order to live. She is also referred to as White Alien Ranger by people of Earth, as well as Mighty Morphin Alien White Ranger. She is portrayed by Rajia Baroudi

Mighty Morphin[]

She was the leader of the team also the first female to be a Power Rangers team leader, though, as Red Ranger, Aurico takes point in some battles. Delphine pilots the White Battle Borg and the White Shogunzord. Delphine has more endurance and can survive for long outside of water than her team. Water is the essential element for the survival and regeneration of the Alien Rangers.

In Space[]

During the invasion of the universe by Dark Specter's United Alliance of Evil, Delphine and the other Aquitian Rangers battled Divatox's army on Gratha, where they were defeated. They were later saved by Zordon's Energy Wave.
