Protagonists Wiki

NOTE: This Article is about the Incarnation of David from the Mel O Toons Series. The Mainstream Version can be found here: King David.

David is the Overarching Protagonist from the One-Shot Series of Mel O Toons who is a Hero in the Bible and the Second King of Israel the First Being, King Saul, whose Son, Jonathan, was Best Friends with Him. He was the Youngest of Eight Sons of Jesse, so He had to takes cares of His Father's Sheep.

He was Rightous, although not without faults. He also was Brave. Similar to His Opposite Selves of Various Series, He is based as of King David from David VS Goliath. David is also an All times Rival and Heroic Counterpart of Goliath who is a Taker down of Innocent People, forcing Them to quits.




  • None Notable.



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