DJ Sweetzy is the Tertiarry Femme Protagonist from Gacha League who makes Her Debut in Put The Record On as a NPC. She also appears and returns in Gacha Life 2 - The Club and Gacha Life 3 - The WonderEnd as a Preset and where She can be located in PTRO.
She is a 6 Star Fire Unit who dates the Vinyl City. She tortured The X Soldiers with Veneeria who helps Her Master, DJ Lyte after He retreats Be cuz He defeats His Rivalry, Lupus.
She was a Leader of Guns and alongside with DJ Clonuk and She was a Flaming Counterpart of Mummy Cyanthia the Occifial Employee of Scythe Ripper and Member of the Team Halloweens. She was remarkable to be the Second Female with DJ Az and Olivia.
She is also voiced by the Japanese Voice Actress, Maaya Sakamoto who is also known as Ling Xiaoyu from Tekken. In Dub titles, She is also voiced by the English Voice Actress, Emily O' Brian who also voices Jade from Mortal Kombat Legends.
DJ Sweetzy gets Tall Breasts with Red Wild Ponytail Hairstyle, a Left Blinding Bang (which is similar to DJ X) and has a Red Eyes covered up by Violet Shades. She wears a Black Jacket, Gloves, Skirt and Shoes with a White T-Shirt, a Stripe Socks and a Red Heart Necklace. Her Upskirt Ass Panties was White and twerks.
Past Flashbacks[]
DJ Sweetzy was born as a Gun Unit with Her Unnamed Younger Brother and She was considered to be One of the Gunslinger in the World. She hopes to be part of the Vendetta Group, Vinyl Club in orders to defends All of the Innocent People against the Team Corruptions.
Lucas Uber is an inspiring DJ, hopes to be Good as His Elder Brother, Luis Uber. He is also a Member of the Vinyl Club and became closes to DJ Clonuk and Veneeria before He now became the Leader of His Club, an Enigmatic Leader of Corruptions ego washes Xavier Mas to invades the Club. Luis tries to defends all of His Friends but an Illegal happens to Xavier's all eyes are destroyed by His Hands and shoots Him. He lately retreats after DJ Clonuk prevents DJ Vinyl what to do that He'll ever stays away from Him. Lucas had been rushes in Hospital and takes down His Birthday who is caused by the Unknown Leader, He meets His Elder Brother's lifeless body causing comatose by Xavier.
Put The Record[]
DJ Clonuk was seen in the Hospital where His Best Friend Forever, DJ Vinyl's lifeless body who is caused by Xavier Mas for punching His eyes alongside with DJ Sweetzy. They Both come to the Ceremony, Lucas Uber renames Himself as DJ Lyte the Now Leader of the Vinyl Club and passed His Brother's injuries.