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DJ Lyte (Real Name: Lucas Uber) is the Main Titulary Protagonist from Gacha League who makes His Non Canon Debut in Put The Record On as the Overarching Protagonist along with You. He first appears in Anime Gacha who is One of the Water 5-Star in the Vinyl Fantasy Case.

He also appeared in Gacha World and he appeared in the Story Mode, at Vinyl City (AKA the 7th chapter) as the First NPC. Unlike the Other DJs, He doesn't have a 6-star before it was exposed of Gacha Life 2 - The Club and Gacha Life 3 - The WonderEnd in 1 Year Pass, He now becomes a 7 Star under His Name, Witch Lucas Uber.

He also kept appearing in the Rest of the Lunime Games like Gacha Resorts and Anime Fidget Spinner and He remains Himself a the Same Element and Rarity since AG and GW. Lucas is also an All times Archenemy and Heroic Counterpart of DJ X who is the Leader of The X Soldiers.

He is a 5-Star Water Unit who was a Younger Brother of DJ Vinyl after He punches Xavier Mas' eyes and was been taked down by Him. Lucas Uber is a Now Leader of Vinyl Club in Vinyl City and His Now Sidekick was Mr. Clonuk the Leader of Swords.

He is also voiced by the Japanese Voice Actor, Kentarō Itō who is also known as Renji Abarai from BLEACH. In Dub titles, He is also voiced by the English Voice Actor, Wally Wingert.


Lucas was a Slender Wiener. He has a Black Hair with a Dark Cyan Shades before His Light Blue Sunglasses, had a Black Jacket, Gloves and Pants and Cyan T Shirt, Belt and Shoes.

After 1 Year, He now wears a Cyan Shades after His Favorite Sunglasses was takes down. He wears a Sleeve Jacket, Gloves and Pants and Light Blue Shirt, Belt and Shoes.


He is seen to be Freedom, Chosen and Legend. But when it comes out that He seen Everyone are takes down, He is a Warrior and Dreaded who seems to haves His Strong Willed, Selfless and Martial Arts.

He dislikes the Team Corruptions like Shadow, Akumu The Nightmare, Sol and Corruption as He fears Lupus for taking down Innocent People in the Vinyl Club. His All times Archenemy and Anti Heroic Counterpart was also Xavier Mas who is an Adoptive Father of Orphan DJ Eve.

Lucas' Elder Brother was DJ Vinyl who is corrupted alongside with DJ Phantom causes by Pandora and Neon during the One Year Pass in orders to takes down the World after They bails out of Lunime Troublemakers. His Now Sidekick is also DJ Clonuk the Leader of Swords.

He has a Presumed Fiancee named Veneeria who is a Loyal, Selfless, Honest, Animals Lover and Natures Kindness. Lyte also gets an Official Employees like DJ Numbers, DJ Rodri, DJ Asif and DJ Kōda and He has a Rebel Leader called DJ Ringoz who on & off Himself wether He teams up in Vinyl City or He might be alone by Himself.

His Temporarily Member is Ciera Dawn during the Invasion of Phantom Vigilantes and He has a Deceased Member of the Vinyl Club, DJ Peace who passed away saving Innocent People causes by New Corruptions. His Student was Pyromaniac Xiao who is an Adoptive Daughter of Wolf Spirit Keitoku and Nyxeria Luiselle after She is left Orphaned.

Full Synopsis[]

Past Flashbacks[]

Lucas Uber is an Inspiring DJ, hopes tp be good as His Elder Brother, Luis Uber. He is also a Member of the Vinyl Club and become closes to DJ Clonuk and Veneeria before He now became the Leader of His Club, an Enigmatic Leader of Corruptions ego washes Xavier Mas to invades the Club. Luis tries to defends all of His Friends but an Illegal happens to Xavier's all eyes are destroyed by His Hands and shoots Him. He lately retreats after DJ Clonuk prevents DJ Vinyl what to do that He'll ever stays away from Him. Lucas had been rushes in Hospital and takes down His Birthday who is caused by the Unknown Leader, He meets His Elder Brother's lifeless body causing comatose by Xavier.

Put The Record On[]

After releasing the truth by DJ Ringoz about Xavier Mas blaming to Everyone for punching His eyes without permissions, Lucas decides to stay away from Him if He ever battles His Elder Brother no more. He wears His Elder Brother's gift to Him instead of Xavier's, He renames Himself as DJ Lyte the Now Leader of the Vinyl Club and passed His Brother's injuries. After He celebrates to became the Leader of DJs, He meets a Manly Thugs who takes down and hits Everyone in the Banks. While He needs to lefts His wallet with His sidekick, DJ Clonuk's Swords and DJ Shuffle Warrior's Moneys, He has to bid something to Ven about His lost Things. Suddenly in unseen footages, DJ Lyte assails the Street Leader and Friends that They ever brutalizes Innocent People. He is about to be killed by the Leading Thug, DJ Clonuk His Sidekick and Shuffle cames and confronts all of those Thugs. While Lucas VS Giant Thugs, Clonuk VS Leading Street Thug X Shuffle VS All of the Minions of Thugs, They all tortures the Thugs in any slights and helps Everyone for being killed by Them. They Three calls the Policemen and arrests the Thugs while reunites Miss. Ven and haves Their lost Items.

While being operated in the Tribe, Lucas remains the Female Reporter for abusing all of those Thugs who are imprisoned and incarcerated by Policemen, lately was now in Officers. DJ Lyte could have trained to became the strongest member of the DJs while His Friends are having Their battles. He could have started to punches His Green Enemy after defeating Thugs and starts to ends to Police with Friends.

DJ Lyte sees Everyone sleeping and Someone affected caused by the Sleeping Gun, Ringoz comes and demands Him to not affected by That. Lucas starts to wines Him for getting His ways and is about to be sleeped, He doesn't want Him to understands affected. He lately saves a Human who causes Everyone to sleeps.

Lucas later goes to the Matches while seeing DJ Asif VS DJ Avalanche who's results are Asif's. Later the match was DJ Rodri VS DJ Clonuk in a Match where They can be Both found in Arena. The Results are Rodri Be cuz He defeats Clonuk. The Triple Match was DJ Kōda VS Ven in a Rich Attacks where He can be results to collects Her. The Fourth Match of DJ Numbers VS DJ Sweetzy in a School Match that Her results takes 2046808 down the Festival Room. The Fifth Match was DJ Az VS Olivia was in the Hottest Room where there is no results by Their draws. The Finale Match was DJ Lyte also known as Lucas Uber VS DJ Zero but with His First Assault and won the Championships.

After revealing the dead parts of Avalanche's Friends, The X Animals begins (where All of the X Nations corrupts Them). DJ Clonuk assaults and punches all of the Animals while Lucas and friends assails Everything. He holds down the Dark Wolf as DJ Clonuk shoots it and Him.

DJ Lyte wakes up and remember the past of Xavier who takes down Vinyl for torturing His eyes in any slights. Shuffle let Lucas leaves all of Them alone if He was in the Vinyl Club. He is ready to meets all of those who aren't been safe yet.

Anime Gacha[]

After the 6:O Clock Pm was starts to gets the Night Green, The X Soldiers Bombs all of the Doors and Floors and Lupus shows up and begins. Carl goes wild and battles the DJ Supporters that They every helps DJ Lyte. Everyone died in a Plague of X while He buys a Drinks for His friends, the Policemen assails and tries to kills the Leader of X, but Lupus fights and attacks the Policemen that They ever tortures Him in any slights. While Lucas Uber meets the Massacres of Vinyl's while His Friends assails and collects the X Nations. His Friends are DJ Clonuk, DJ Asif, DJ Kōda, DJ Az and Olivia who are takes down by Carl.

Lupus don't wanna kills DJ Numbers, DJ Rodri, Veneeria and DJ Sweetzy but only DJ Vinyl was. After He barges in His room, DJ Lyte shows up and begins. He kicks His face for barging in the Hospital and uses His leg to throws Him away. Xavier Mas warns Lupus to takes down DJ Vinyl but was interruped by His younger brother, Lucas Uber. He shows that He brutally hates His tribes and makes fun of His Friends' injuries and wanting Him to passed away, but His downfall will never stay away.

DJ Lyte assaults and punches Lupus's face if He ever takes down His Friends. He strangles with His Hammer to amoks Him but He assails Him for killing His Supporters, feeding Him in the Resturant, He splits Him and went out back. Lucas understands Lupus to pees on His Female X Soldier's pussies showing Their both panties, Red and twerks so badly to death by wets. He uses Him to kills His Male Comrades for shooting His back, kicks His tummy and steals His hammer.

Lupus gets His Tall Muscle and grows Tall Heights again to hijacks Lucas but countered by Him who uses His Hammer. After He Tortures His Hammer in any slights, He goes wild over His Favorite Weapon and Banes His Manly Body to turns into a Monstrous Form growing some of the Largest Size. Lupus attacks Lucas but He chases Him among the Vinyl City, He takes down the Buildings and loses to takes down Him for using His Female Supporters who shows Their wet panties, Cyan and His Shades was at least expensive where DJ Vinyl bought Him in the June 18. He brutally went up to assailts Him for taking down Innocent People and throws Him by a Broken Hammer.

Lupus brutally went in a Rampage but Lucas punches His Tummy. He tries to attacks Him but He assails Him, He shoots all of His parts and flies away. The Four Survivors of the Vinyl Club in the Vinyl City knows what happened to Mr. Lyte but still listens to His Voices and comes to His Physical Victors. DJ Numbers is proud of His Presumed Won and crowds Him as the Mr. Lyte and congratulates Him. Lupus tries to retreats but Xavier shoots and physically kills Him for not taking down Lucas.

DJ Numbers tries to kills Him but He has been warned by His Leader if the Leader of X Nations was a Powerful Member in the Histories. Mr. Lyte confronts and assaults Mr. X that He is a Taker down of His Elder Brother, Mr. Vinyl. Xavier was Strongest Warrior of the Synopsis as He tries to kills Lucas by His Right Arm which marks His Gear, X. He and the Remaining Members of the Vinyl Club chases Him.

Off an encounter of DJ X taking down the Vinyl Supporters for the First Time where as DJ Lyte kills All of the X Nations alongside with His Remaining Units, DJ Numbers, DJ Rodri, Veneria and DJ Sweetzy. He was after to the Leader of X Soldiers before He runs under the Place, He fought and attacked 4 of the Vinyl Club as a Result, He rans and makes it in the Vinyl City.

Lucas Uber was ready to tortures Him in any slights for taking down His Elder Brother, Luis Uber. Then He has kills One of the Red Soldiers and makes it in the Confrontation ways in orders to makes Him Pay. he saw Xavier Mas with His X Tank which is Build as a Largest Size of the Vehicle and tries to vows Himself to abuses All of the X Nations if They ever steps of the Lines.

The Brawl Battles between DJ Lyte and DJ X starts a Clash in the X Tank where His Friends are DJ Numbers, DJ Rodri, Veneeria and DJ Sweetzy confronts All of the X Nations while DJ Ringoz saw what Someone did in the Vinyl City and returns His Own Tribe alongside with DJ Zero, DJ Avalanche, DJ Zeo, DJ Shuffle Warrior and Mr. Panda in orders to captures and arrests someone who ever takes down the Buildings of the Vinyl Club.

Xavier Mas attacks and battles Lucas Uber that He ever cares about torturin Him in any slights. He jumps Highly and chases Him after slicing His Right Leg so Brutal during the 1st Events of Anime Gacha. He manages to kills Him ultil it happens, the Brutal Attacks of the All times Archenemies in orders to cure brings the World and brings Peace and Quiets. After the X Tank was abused that It ever steps of the Lines, He tortures DJ Xavier in any slights and Won in the Encounters of the X Nations.

Season 2[]

This Aftermath after the X Nations where All defeated, Keitoku appeared in the Sequel of the Put The Record On Animations where He introduces Himself to DJ Lyte, Veneeria and DJ Clonuk. He calls out His Past Flashback against His All times Archenemy, Kilios who was corrupted by Sol and kills Everyone, Thus slicing His Both Bodies to turns Him into Arbiter and Wolf Spirit in orders to breaks up Their Bodies. DJ Lyte overwhelms Keito before the Skyline was ready to fights and attacks.

Vinyl Club travels to Another World in Space and was rent in the New Room before the Fight starts. Olivia wonders Her Leader, Mr. Lucas if He has a Relations with Her Best Friend Forever, Ms. Ven, Thus She has Secs with Him and kissing Him while not being revealed in Her New Room. After They were All intrrrupted by Team Corruptions, the Real Leader of thw Corruptions begins. Sol assaults and punches DJ Ringoz that the Vinyl Club finishes X Soldiers. This is the Brawl Battle between the Vinyl Club and Team Corruptions starts the Clash where as Lucas Uber encounters "Xavier Mas" which is the Paper Version of Him before He releases Himself and attacks Him until He retreats Him.

After Vinyl Club and Team Corruptions prepares the battles in the Tournaments, Mr. Lyte can goes Handicap Attacks where He finishes 20 Minions with One-Shot Thus arresting Them. DJ Clonuk, Veneeria, DJ Sweetzy, DJ Asif and DJ Kōda survives where as DJ Numbers, DJ Rodri, DJ Az and Ms. Olly were taked down by Sol before They were interrupted by DJ Ringoz until He takes down Him.

After He tries to kills His cut-in-half Body, He saves His Rebel Leader and gives Him time to rest Himself. Mr. Lucas confronts and assaults Sol that He ever takes down His Friends where in the Same Fate as Lupus did. The Brawl Battles betweem the Leader of Vinyl Club and REAL Leader of the Team Corruptions starts a Clash in the Vinyl City due to the Brutal Match of the Year as a Results, He finishes Him.

He slices all of His parts as of His lifeless body tries to wakes up and cannot resists Himself when He ever gets paralyzed causes by Him. Lucas tries to tortures Sol in any slights until it happens, the Corruption saves Him against the Vinyl Club and retreats, but the 3 Officia Employees in Corruptions where arrested as of that, DJ Lyte and Vinyl Club presumed won before DJ Phantom gets a Chance in orders to meets the Vinyl Club.

Season 3[]

Vinyl Club hires Ciera Dawn in orders to finishes All of the Phantom Vigilantes. It was while the Other DJs works so Hard before DJ X cames. DJ Lyte encounters His All times Archenemy in the Party and is managed to gets collected by Him as of DJ Numbers was taked down by Him where as He retreats and would have not be meeting Him once He tries to gets revenge on Him in orders to takes down Him.

He mourns that there is No way He will stays away if He didn't defeats X Nations' Leader when He first finishes Him, Lucas Ubee vows Himself to finds the Leader of Phantom Vigilantes and will meets Someone who corrupts Him. He is ready alongside with His own Tribes, Vinyl Club in orders to defeats All of the Corruptions so He could have got Another Chance to finds a New Opponents.



  • He is the Titular Hero like Hitomi Uzaki and Asuka Ootori.
  • He was a First Protagonist from Lunime of Xyo in Video Games before Cyto and Shield Knight Naito both appears on the Two Games.

External Links[]

See also[]
