Feature films
Dragon Ball Z: Dead Zone Dragon Ball Z: The World's Strongest , Dragon Ball Z: The Tree of Might, Dragon Ball: Ssawaro Son Goku, Iyeora Son Goku, Dragon Ball: The Magic Begins, Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug, Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's Revenge, Dragon Ball Z: Super Android 13!, Dragon Ball Z: Broly The Legendary Super Saiyan, Dragon Ball Z: Bojack Unbound, Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn, Dragon Ball: Yo! Son Goku and His Friends Return!!, Dragonball Evolution, Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods
Television programs
Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, Dragon Ball Z Kai, Dragon Ball Super
Mayumi Sho, Naoko Watanabe
Other names
Mom (by Gohan and Goten), Ox-King's daughter, Grandma (by Pan)
Ox King's daughter, Bardock and Gine's daughter-in-law, Raditz's sister-in-law
Princess, Housewife, Radish farmer
Ox-King, Goku, Gohan, Bulma, Piccolo
King Piccolo, Goku (Sometimes)
Cooking, Tutoring her sons, Sex with Goku
Can't he stop saving things just for one day so that we can be together as a family? Is that too much to ask?.
Chi-Chi is the tomboyishly beautiful love interest and later wife of Goku , from the Dragon Ball series. She first met Goku when he had to get the Bancho Fan to Master Roshi. Chi-Chi is the daughter of the Ox-King and Ox-Queen, the adoptive granddaughter-in-law of Grandpa Gohan, the mother of Gohan and Goten , the daughter-in-law of Bardock and Gine , the sister-in-law of Raditz, the mother-in-law of Videl and the paternal grandmother of Pan.
Relationships [ ]
Families [ ]
Ox-King (father)
Ox-Queen (mother; deceased)
Goku (husband)
Gohan (elder son)
Goten (younger son)
Bardock (father-in-law; deceased)
Gine (mother-in-law; deceased)
Raditz (brother-in-law; deceased)
Videl (daughter-in-law)
Pan (granddaughter)