Princess Celestia
Feature films
"My Little Pony: Equestria Girls"
Television programs
"My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic"
Protective, sisterly, motherly, nice, very beautiful, responsible, selfless, benevolent, stern (sometimes), noble, wise, patient, encouraging, kind, gentle, friendly, fun, forgiving, compassionate, caring, loving, supportive, nurturing, generous, charitable, sympathetic, reasonable, sensible, sensitive, just, fair, friendly, daring, adventurous, thoughtful, considerate, likeable, attractive, graceful, calm, understanding, fun-loving, relaxed, regal, mischievous, lively and playful (as a filly), helpful Formerly: Rude, self-absorbed, condescending, mean-spirited, pompous, prideful, dismissive, elitist
Tall and slender alicorn with a white body, pink eyes, green, blue, and pink mane and tail, yellow necklace and crown with two purple gems
Co-Ruler of Equestria
Unknown parents Princess Luna (younger sister) Léon (cousin) King Leo ("cousin") Prince Blueblood (distant nephew) Princess Cadance (adoptive niece) Princess Twilight Sparkle (adoptive niece-in-law) Spike the Dragon (adoptive nephew-in-law) Shining Armor (adoptive nephew-in-law) Flurry Heart (adoptive grandniece)
Princess Luna ,
Princess Cadance ,
Twilight Sparkle ,
Shining Armor ,
Fluttershy ,
Rarity ,
Pinkie Pie ,
Rainbow Dash ,
Applejack ,
Sweetie Belle ,
Spike ,
Scootaloo ,
Apple Bloom
Discord (formerly), Victor Hoskins, Dr. Henry Wu
Her friends and family, Twilight’s knowledge and learning about friendship, teaching her students, adventures, watching the moon set, being with Luna
Threats to Equestria, her friends and family in danger, villains, arguments, fightning with her sister, Luna’s negativity, chickens, being lost, Discord (formerly), Discord’s mischief, Discord's antics, false accusations, threats to her kingdom, dishonesty
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Princess Celestia is a character in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic . She is the very beautiful co-ruler of Equestria and Twilight 's former mentor and teacher. She is also Princess Luna 's older sister.
She is voiced by Nicole Oliver.