These brave heroes protect things from known or unknown threats whether it's foreign or domestic. Often times, they are led by a conviction to protect what is important is often a motivation to push these people into fighting against villainy such as protecting loved ones or comrades. All in all they are guardians who will protect what is important to them no matter the cost.
All items (813)
- Hajime Aikawa
- Harpia
- Harry Potter
- Haru Ichinose
- Hatsumi Shojo
- Hawk (Gacha League)
- Heihachi Mishima
- Helbram
- Hell Knight Lina
- Hello Kitty
- Himura Kenshin
- Hitoshi Hidaka
- Holley Shiftwell
- Homer Simpson
- Honami Ichinose
- Hulk
- Hulk (comics)
- Hulk Hogan
- Ichigo Kurosaki
- Ichiyo Higuchi
- Iko Koishikawa
- Ilja Dragunov
- Inazuma Shogunate
- Inner Sailor Guardians
- Ino Yamanaka
- Inosuke Hashibira
- Io Nitta
- Irene Belserion
- Irina Shidou
- Iruka (Gacha League)
- Isaiah (Brawhalla)
- Isuka
- Itachi Uchiha
- Izzy (Jake and the Neverland Pirates)
- Jack (Tekken)
- Jack Swagger
- Jeff Hardy
- Jelly Roll
- Jeremy Fitzgerald
- Jerry "The King" Lawler
- Jet Jaguar
- Jimmy "B-Rabbit" Smith Jr.
- Jin (Xenoblade Chronicles)
- Jin Kazama (Bloodline)
- Jin Kazama (Current Timeline)
- Jin Kazama (Original Timeline)
- Johnny Gargano
- Johnny Knoxville
- Joker (2019)
- Joy (Inside Out)
- Julia Chang (Bloodline)
- Jun Asuka
- Jun Asuka's Father
- Jun Kazama (Bloodline)
- Jun Uehara
- Juzo Goto
- Kabal (2nd Timeline)
- Kagome Higurashi
- Kaiser Rajan
- Kalani
- Kaley Myers
- Kat
- Kazuya Mishima
- Kei Mikhail Ignatov
- Keine Kamishirasawa
- Keith Lee
- Keitoku
- Kelly Kelly
- Ken Anderson
- Kenny Omega
- Kenpachi Zaraki
- Kenshi Takahashi (Mortal Kombat)
- Kevin Nash
- Keyaru
- Khan Doorman
- Kibito
- Kikuko Goto
- Kikyo
- Kilios
- King Monkey
- King Saul
- Kitana (Mortal Kombat)
- Knothead and Splinter
- Kongo (Land of the Lustrous)
- Konomi Kasahara
- Kotal Kahn
- Kotaro Fuuma
- Kouko Kaminaga
- Kourin Tatsunagi
- Kratos (God Of War)
- Kuku Kanzaki
- Kunoichi (Dungeon Fighter Online)
- Kurata Oonami
- Kureha Clyret
- Kyle Reese
- Kyoshiro Tohdoh
- Kyouko Kasodani