Big Macintosh is Applejack and Apple Bloom's older brother and he works at Sweet Apple Acres, and has a grandmother named Granny Smith, and has a huge Apple family, as seen again in The Apple Family Reunion episode.

- Sweetie Belle
- Sugar Belle
- Scootaloo
- Mr. Cake
- Mrs. Cake
- Party Favor
- Double Diamond
- Night Glider
- Feather Bangs
- Starlight Glimmer
- Soarin'
- Flash Sentry
- Thunder Lane
- Shining Armor
- Fancy Pants
- Twilight Sentry
- Rarity
- Fluttershy
- Rainbow Dash
- Pinkie Pie
- Cheese Sandwich
- Sunset Shimmer
- Cheerily
- Mayor Mare
- Trixie Lulamoon
- Discord
- Spike
- Nurse Red Heart
- Flim Flam brothers
- Spoiled Rich
- Svengallop