Protagonists Wiki
VC2 Avan Hardins

Avan Hardins is one of the protagonists of Valkyria Chronicles II and a cameo character of Valkyria Chronicles III. Avan is the most tactically flexible unit in Squad G, as he can act with any class. He can also give orders if deployed. Finally, Avan cannot be hospitalized. If forced to retreat, Avan will return immediately after the battle.


Avan has short, spiky red hair. He wears the standard boys' military uniform of the Lanseal Academy. His version of the military uniform gives a more relaxed impression.


Avan was brave, decisive, optimistic, and had a strong desire to protect his friends and comrades.

Avan was known for his superior intelligence and tactical knowledge, which made him a valuable asset on the battlefield. His strategic abilities were noted by both his peers and superiors, earning him a reputation as a promising young soldier. Despite his youth and inexperience, Avan was able to develop plans that led his team to victory.

Avan's passion and determination to succeed sometimes led him to take on more than he could handle, putting him and his comrades in danger. However, he also had a strong sense of responsibility, and was willing to take risks to protect his friends.

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           Valkyria Chronicles logoHeroes

Squad 7
Welkin Gunther | Alicia Melchiott | Brigitte Stark | Largo Potter | Isara Gunther | Zaka | Clavaro Rodriguez | Eleanor Varrot | Faldio Landzaat | Kreis Czherny | Leon Schmidt | Ramal Valt

Squad G
Avan Hardins | Zeri | Cosette Coalhearth | Lavinia Lane | Aliasse

Squad 422
Kurt Irving | Riela Marcellis | Imca | Carisa Contzen | Ramsey Crowe

Squad E
Claude Wallace | Riley Miller | Raz | Kai Schulen

Vyse Inglebard | Aika | Fina Sellers

Roald Kankkunen | Irene Ellet | Cordelia gi Randgriz | Martha Lipponen | Laurence Kluivert | Hubert Brixham | Clementia Förster | Juliana Everhart | Gennaro Borgia | Squad F (Minerva Victor | Ronald Albee | Christel Ward) | Angelica Farnaby | Klaus Walz | Crymaria Levin
