Protagonists Wiki

Argent is a supporting protagonist of the Teen Titans, she is a British Honorary-Titan and goth superheroine.


Argent was born in London, England, under the name Antonia Louise Monetti. Going by “Toni”, Argent was a rebellious youth who had an estranged relationship with her parents due to her gothic interests and rebellious habits, which included skipping school and sneaking out of the house at night. On one of these nights, Argent snuck out of the house to go to a rock concert her parents had forbade her from seeing. On the way their, Argent was running next to a science building where the scientists had been developing a new form of radiation. As she was passing by, an explosion occurred and although nobody was hurt, Argent was exposed to the radiation the scientists were experimenting on. The radiation altered her appearance, giving her pale-silvery skin, red eyes, and a part of her black hair turned red as well. she soon learned that it also gave her superpowers as well, in the form of high-speed levitation and energy construction and manipulation. Quickly mastering her new powers, Toni ran away from home and thus took on the name of Argent. She traveled the world helping others with her powers and using them to fight crime as well. While she was passing through South Africa, Argent gained world acclaim when she saved many lives during a hostage situation in Johannesburg. All the hostages were saved and the terrorists were apprehended, all thanks to Argent, which in turn made her have strong respect among other heroes and by many people across the world.


Before acquiring her powers and becoming Argent, Toni was a very rebellious girl. She would often skip school and sneak out at night to see rock bands. This infuriated her parents, often leading to heated arguments between them and her. She was also a bit of a tomboy, as she never liked going by her birth name Antonia and always preferred the more masculine sounding name of Toni. Despite her rebellious personality and seeming lack of regard for authority, Toni was a good person at heart. After acquiring her powers she immediately sought to use them for good and became a super-heroine never once considering using her powers for her own gain.

As Argent, she is a very levelheaded, brave, serious, honorable, and moral super-heroine. She usually maintains a calm and professional attitude, having a somewhat stoic disposition. However, Argent’s calm does have its limits, as she will be taken by surprise when a situation rules out of her favor and when it becomes increasingly dire. When this happens she becomes more pressing but not in a panicking sense.

Despite seemingly introverted personality, Argent is actually gets along well with others, especially those who help her when she needs it. Beneath her calm disposition, she is fun-loving and excited around her interests, particularly her gothic interests. Both personally and professionally, Argent is a devoted goth and has listening to rock bands as her hobby. After joining the Teen Titans, Argent becomes begins to abandon some of her introverted personality and begins to really enjoy hanging around with her teammates and spending time with them.

When in battle Argent is fierce and can be at times unrelenting against those who break the law or commit wrong. Although she won’t kill, she is not afraid to break criminals’ bones. However, Argent always ensures the safety of civilians before she gets into a fight, showing that she cares more for the lives of innocent than taking down the bad guys. She is also shown to have a soft spot for children.

Despite this, Argent carries insecurities that she hides behind her stoic disposition. Deep down, she unsure if she is truly worthy of the credit she gets for her heroic deeds and sometimes believes she not doing a good enough job as a super-heroine. Another insecurity of her’s is her relationship with her parents, with whom she was never close too. Even after becoming Argent, she still doesn’t maintain contact with them.


