Chancellor Ardyn Izunia, also known as Ardyn Lucis Caelum, is the main antagonist and the anti-hero of Final Fantasy XV and also appears in the feature film Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV. He is in charge of the political operations of the Empire of Nilfheim for Emperor Aldercapt, and is responsible for expanding the magical infantry of Verstael Besithia.
Arden is an insightful, humorous, and manipulative man, but he appears unfazed and casual by the events around him. He has an eccentric appearance and personality, often coming across as patronizing and polite. He is unpredictable, and his bombastic, performative personality hides sinister intentions and a dark past. He enjoys manipulating events and watching them unfold.
In Final Fantasy XV: The Dawn of the Future, he used to be an anti-heroic protagonist.