Angemon is one of the heroes in Digimon Adventure and 02. He resembles an angel warrior who wields staff as a weapon. He is the digivolved form of Patamon, the partner of T.K. Takaishi Even though he's a champion Digimon, he puts up great fights with ultimate Digimon as well. Angemon's known technique is Hand of Fate. He transformed into Magna Angemon.
Digimon Adventure[]
Angemon debuted when Patamon transformed into him in order to stop the giant Devimon. Not only did Angemon killed Devimon, but sacrificed himself by using up all the energy he had and reverted into a Digi-Egg where he was once reborn as Poyomon.
Angemon then returned to rescue WereGarurumon from Myotismon's Crimson Lightning attack and helped WereGarurumon fight Myotismon for sending Gotsumon and Pumpkinmon back to the Digital World.
During the showdown with Myotismon, Patamon transformed to Angemon once again and easily damaged Myotismon as well as killing and destroying Phantomon with a mere brush of his Hand of Fate attack.
After Myotismon was defeated and returned as Venom Myotismon, Angemon and Angewomon fought the giant monster while Izzy Izumi worked up a miracle to allow Agumon and Gabumon become their Mega Level forms.
During the Dark Masters arc, T.K. and Kari (Lara Jill Miller) tried to be brave to escape from Piedmon, the last of the Dark Masters. Patamon became Angemon and distracted Piedmon while T.K. and Kari attempted to escape. However, Piedmon easily defeated Angemon and sliced the rope, sending T.K. and Kari falling to their doom. Angemon transformed to Magna Angemon and saved T.K. and Kari from falling to their deaths.
Digimon Adventure 02[]
Patamon lost his power as Angemon. Digimon Emperor was defeated and his block against Digivolution lifted, Patamon had the natural ability to once again assume his Champion form. However, his main attack, Hand of Fate, was useless against the majority of Digimon the DigiDestined had to fight, since they where created from Control Spires. This meant they were not real Digimon and Angemon's attack only affected evil Digimon. For that reason, Pegasusmon was still used as his primary fighting form until Angemon and Ankylomon unlocked the power of DNA Digivolution.